Chapter 44

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James POV

Hayley fell asleep with her head on Ethan's shoulder and he fell asleep too. They were both asleep next to each other. "James. Said Lily." "Yeah." I looked at her. "What's wrong. Said Lily." "Huh." "What's wrong. Said Lily." "You think she's still mad at me." "Prolly but she'll forgive you James don't worry. Said Lily." "I hope she does." I saw we arrived so I tapped Hayley to wake her up. "Who's waking me up and why. Said Hayley." "Me your dad and because we are here." She sat up and looked. "Oh we are. Said Hayley." She tapped Ethan to wake up. "What happened. Said Ethan." "We're here. Said Hayley." "Oh. Said Ethan." "Yeah theirs a man named Hadgrid he's waiting for you. Said Lily." "Alright thank you see you later Hayley. Said Ethan." "Yeah bye. Said Hayley." He walked out and she grabbed her stuff and walked out so I quickly followed behind her. I caught up to her and walked next to her. "Yes dad. Said Hayley." "You still mad at me." She didn't say anything. "I told them not to Hayley I didn't want to do it either." "I guess not do I still have the same dorm. Said Hayley." "Yes you do princess right next to me like when you 14." "I guess so. Said Hayley." She stopped and I looked at her. I turned back around and walked back towards her. "Dad. Said Hayley." "Yeah." "What happened to those death eaters. Said Hayley." "Well they went to Azkaban for what they did. Why do you ask princess." "They won't escape right. Said Hayley." I could tell she was having flash backs of what happened. So I pulled her into a hug. "No they won't and besides if you get scared you can come to my room it's right next to your." "You sure they won't. Said Hayley." "I promise they won't." "And are you sure Lily won't mind. Said Hayley." "She won't." She smiled at me and we walked to the great hall.

I'm gonna do a time skip I'm sorry but I have an idea don't worry. 

Thanks for the views even if it's a little still means a lot to me. Have a beautiful day my queen and kings. ❤💗

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