Chapter 37

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Hayley's POV

It's been a week and today I'm going back home. I'm already on the road I said goodbye. I arrived back at the house and walked in and got pulled into a hug. I looked at saw it was my dad. "Where were you. You were gone for a week I didn't know where you were at. Said Dad." "I'm fine." I was still mad at them but I had to go back home. Then my mom came and hugged me. "Your ok your alright where were you. Said Mom." "Somewhere." "Your still mad Hayley. Said Harry." "Shut up Harry." "Don't talk to your brother like that Hayley. Said Mom." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk to my room. "Where are you going. Said Mom." "To my room." "No we are going to talk. Said Dad." "I rather not." Then something poked me and I passed out.

James POV

Sirius injected Hayley with something so she passed out. "Sirius." "What she wasn't going to tell us so we are going into her memories. Said Sirius." "No." "It's the only way James I need to make sure she was safe. Said Jen." "Fine but when she's mad at you guys don't say I didn't warn you. Mione will you." She nodded and projected her memories.

"Who is he." "Probably a friend because he wasn't in the other memories. Said Lily." "Next one. Said Jen."

"Who is that Jennifer. Said Sirius." "My sister in law Freya she helped me raise Hayley so they are close to each other. Said Jen." "That's good Jen she was safe. Said Lily." "Yeah next one. Said Jen."

"Jen I thought you raised her." "I did but for the first 8 months I didn't because their were people after because they thought she was my husband's daughter so me and his family did everything to protect even if it meant I couldn't raise her for the first 8 months. Said Jen." "Oh. Said Lily." "Let's just move to the next one. Said Jen." "Yeah."

"Jennifer who was that. Said Remus." "My husband. Said Jen." " kids out besides Hermione." They all groaned all left the room. "Hermione go ahead."

We were shocked at what we saw. "So her scream can shake things cool. Said Sirius." "Next one."

"She's good with the bow and arrow. Said Sirius." "Yeah she is. Said Marlene." "She's done it since she was little. Said Jen." "Last one." "Yeah because she's gonna wake up in 50 minutes. Said Lily."

"Hermione stop projecting." She stopped. "Don't tell anyone what you saw got it. Said Jen." "Yeah got it. Said Mione." "You can go now dear. Said Lily." She walked out and we all looked at each other. "What do we do." "I don't know. Said Jen." Then she woke up gasping for air. I quickly walked over to Hayley only for her to push me away. She got off the couch coughing. "Hayley you ok. Said Jen." She ignored us. She stopped coughing and looked at us. She got tears in her eyes. "How could you. Said Hayley." "Hayley." "No I trusted you guys and you do this. Said Hayley." "We had to know Hayley you weren't going to tell us. Said Lily." "Because it's my life not your. Said Hayley." She was crying now I tried to comfort her but she pushed me away. "I'm not staying here anymore. Said Hayley." "Then where will you go. Said Sirius." "Home I'm going home. Said Hayley." "This is your home. Said Marlene." "No not anymore. Said Hayley." All of our hearts crushed to hear that. She walked out the house and left. "We messed up." "Yeah we did. Said Lily." "We gotta fix this. Said Jen." "We don't even know where she went. Said Remus." "Then let's find her."

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