Chapter 23

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Time Skip Sorry

Hayley's POV

Today is the last task finally. Me and Harry and walking with our parent's to the field. "Are you guys excited. Said Sirius." "For what our death trap." They all stared at me. "Do you not remember the last task I almost drowned." "Moving on. Said Mom." We got in the middle of the field. They all went to go sit down. "Good luck you two. Said Dad." "Yes and be careful. Said Mom." "And watch each other's backs. Said Lily." "Will do Harry your running in first because your more likely not to die." "Alright then. Said Harry." They laughed and walked to go sit down. Dumbledore was making his announcement likes always and I zoned out. I didn't see the others run in till Harry yanked my arm forcing me in. "Owe." "Well I tried to call you. Said Harry." We were both yelling at each other. "Doesn't mean yank my arm asshole." "Well listen next time. Said Harry."

James POV

It was quiet we were all waiting for the winners. Then we heard yelling. "Well next listen next time. Said Harry." "Harry I will kill you if Voldy doesn't know shut up. Said Hayley." "Can they not argue for at least a minute. Said Lily." Then we heard a scream. "HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU ARE DEAD. Said Hayley." We all looked at each other. "I didn't mean to scare you. Said Harry." We heard a scream and started laugh. "He's not gonna die by you-known-who he's gonna die by Hayley. Said Minnie." "We know he has James brain cells and Hayley has his temper. Said Lily." "Their doomed. Said Remus." We heard another scream coming far from the maze. "Dumb bitch you scared me. Don't throw a spell at me i will hit you. Said Hayley." "Who is she yelling at now. Said Jen." "Move Harry or I will use you as a shield from him because you won't die. Said Hayley." "What if I do. Said Harry." "Have you not seen your track recorded 1st year troll alive second year chamber snake alive 3rd year flying car this year this stupid tournament have you died any of those years no now move or you'll be my shield from Hermione boyfriend. Said Hayley" We all put our heads down because they were yelling. "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo Potter I'm not your shield now let me go. Said Harry." Their we're gasp from the crowd. "Well the secrets out. Said Sirius." Marlene slapped him. "How do you know my middle name who told you. Said Hayley." "You did. Said Harry." "Well if we did I think you should marry Ginny Weasley. Said Hayley." "How if we're dead. Said Harry." "I know it'll be in your dreams so you'll never get to marry her. Said Hayley." "That's cruel Hayley. Said Harry." We we're laughing at them. "Omg those kids. Said Marlene." "Fuck shut bitch don't throw a spell at me I'll fucking kill your parents dang it no I found the crusty krab. Said Hayley." "Who is she talking to. Said Remus." We were all laughing. "Harry wanna hear my accent. Said Hayley." "I'm assuming they got split up and trying to find each other. Said Lily." "Probably. Said Jen." "Yeah I do. Said Harry." "Oh god. Said Jen." We all looked at her confused. "Excuse me sir have you seen the trolley. Said Hayley." We were all laughing hard while Jennifer looked embarrassed. "Have you seen my mummy I went to get a candy from the trolley and lost her I can you help me. Said Hayley." "Found you. Said Harry." "Took you long enough. Said Hayley." We all stopped laughing. "Their not aloud to be in a maze together. Said Jen." "Got it. Said Lily." We didn't hear anything so we assumed they stopped yelling. "Those are your kids James. Said Jen." "We could tell. Said Minnie."

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