Chapter 13

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James POV

We all held our laughs in. "How do you know that Hayley. Said Jen." "Oh yknow freaking 7th years our dorm is right next to the prefects dorms. Said Hayley." "That's enough. Said Minnie." I was happy she was gonna be near me. Lily whispered in my ear. "Are you happy. Said Lily." "Yeah I am." We both smiled. "James will show you to your new dorm. Said Jen." She knew what she was doing. "Now I must go for work. Bye Hayley now they will report back to me so behave. Said Jen." "Yeah yeah love you bye. Said Hayley." She rolled her eyes and started to walk off. "Where are you going. Said Sirius." "I'm still a Gryffindor yknow I'm going to my common room later loser. Said Hayley." She walked out and Minnie looked at us. "Minnie what were they arguing about." "Hayley had some medication she needs to take and she hasn't been taking it. Said Minnie." "What's it for. Said Lily." "Her ADHD. Said Minnie." "No wonder she's always hyper. Said Sirius." "Well I suggest you go get her she won't come back. Said Minnie." They all looked at me. "She's like you James so go get her she likes you more. Said Lily." "Well who doesn't." "Snape. Said Sirius." We all started to laugh. "I'll see you back in our dorm Lily- flower." "Alright. Said Lily." I went to the common room and saw her sitting on the couch. "Hayley c'mon." She looked up at me. She got up and we started to walk out. "Did you tell Mary and Nora." "Yeah I did. Said Hayley." She seemed sad and I didn't want that. "Hayley what's wrong." She didn't say anything. "Wanna see something cool." "Yeah sure. Said Hayley." I turned into a stag and she looked at me. "Your an amungis. Said Hayley." I changed back and she had a smile on her face. "Yeah I am been since 4th year. " "wow that's cool. Said Hayley." She had a smiled on her face "so now you wanna tell me what's wrong." "I guess I don't want to move dorms it's stupid that I have to. Said Hayley." "At least your not by Sirius he would've done anything stupid just to annoy you." "Yeah I guess it's better I'm next to you instead. Said Hayley." "Now that's the spirit." We walked in her new dorm. "Well this is your new dorm at least you have your own." "Yeah I guess. Said Hayley." "It'll be alright I promise you Hayley don't worry." "I guess. Said Hayley." "Well I don't have to be back for a little bit do you wanna talk." "Sure. Said Hayley." We went and laid on her bed.

Lily's POV

James should've been back by now. I went to Hayley's dorm to see if her was in here. I walked in and saw them both asleep on the bed. I walked over and covered them with a blanket. "Night James." I gave him a kiss and went back to our dorm and went to sleep.

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