Chapter 38

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Hayley's POV

I left the house quickly and drove off. I went where I knew was safe. My aunt's house she always welcomed me. I arrived and knocked at the door. "Hayley. Said Keelin." "Keelin is Freya home." "Yeah she is come in. Said Keelin." I walked inside and went to the living room. "Freya Hayley's here. Said Keelin." "Hayley I thought you went home. Said Freya." She didn't turn around yet. "Aunt Freya." My voice cracked then she turned around. I had tears sliding down my face. She got up and walked to me and pulled me into a hug. "Hayley what's wrong. Said Freya." "They saw they saw my memories." I started to cry on her. "It's ok Hayley it's ok. Said Freya." "I wasn't ready and I relived it." "Let's go sit on the couch. Said Freya." We sat down. "Tell me. Said Freya." "They saw my memory it felt like I was their I was reliving it all over again I can't go back their." "Hey it's ok. Said Freya" "I just want my dad back I need him aunt Freya." "I know. Said Freya." I laid on her lap and silently cried while she ran her hands through my hair.

Freya's POV

I ran my hand through her hair while she cried on my lap. It broke my heart to hear her cry like this. I looked down and saw her asleep on my lap so I moved her off my lap and laid her down on the couch and cover her. Keelin went to get some groceries for dinner so it's just us two when I heard the doorbell. "Hold on." I walked to the door and saw Jennifer. "Freya is Hayley here. Said Jen." "Yeah she is but she's is asleep Jen." I walked out so I wouldn't wake her up. "Let me talk to her Freya. Said Jen." "No she's asleep Jennifer she came here crying she just fell asleep I'm not letting you wake her up." "Freya she's my daughter let me talk to her. Said Jen." "Yeah she is your daughter but she came to me crying Jennifer." "You don't understand. Said James." "No I do understand she told me what you guys did she wasn't ready to talk and you guys went through her memories. You know what she told me." "What she tell you. Said Jen." "She said when you watched her memories she was reliving it Jennifer it somehow made her relive it." "We didn't mean to Freya. Said Jen." "Didn't mean she's your daughter Jennifer and you made her relive her wort nightmare she came to me crying saying how she wasn't ready I just got her to sleep come back when she's awake." "Fine keep her safe Freya. Said Jen." "I will don't worry Jen." I gave her a hug and walked back inside and saw her sleeping still.

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