Chapter 19

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Time Skip Sorry

Hayley's POV

Today is the start of the second task. I'm walking with James because I can't find Harry. "Where Harry at." "I don't know either. Said James." "Man I hate Dumbledore he said I had to be their for the first task but Harry ain't even here." Neville ran up to me. "Here you go Liz I got the gilly weed like you asked. Said Neville." "Thanks Nev." I got on the stands on and waited for Dumbledore to let us jump in. I zoned out not hearing a word he said till someone tapped me. "Hayley go. Said Remus." I jumped in and started to get gills on me. I heard singing so i went to investigate it. I saw Fleur go back to the surface I don't know why she did though. I swam through a gate and saw mermaids. Then I saw Harry. Cedric and Victor grabbed their person but i knew Fleur wasn't coming for Gabby so I grabbed both. I quickly grabbed and swam back I was about to come up with them both when these little things started to stick to me. I quickly pushed them up because they were pulling me down I tried to fight them off but it wasn't no use the gilly weed wear off so I was losing oxygen.

James POV

Harry and Gabby came up but not Hayley. We quickly grabbed them and brought them out of the water. "Where's Hayley." " I don't know. Said Harry." We all looked at each other. It's been a minute and she hasn't came up yet. "I'm going in." Before they could protest I jumped in. I started to swim down looking for her then I saw something so I swam to it and saw Hayley i quickly grabbed her and brought her up. They pulled her up and I got out. She was unconscious so I started CPR. She woke up throwing up the water then punched me in the face. "Owe." I could hear Sirius laughing in the back. She sat up and looked at us.  "Why'd you punch me." "Instinct. Said Hayley." "So your first instinct is to punch people." "Yes. Said Hayley." I wrapped a towel around her. "Hey you ok." "Are you ok I mean I punched you. Said Hayley." "Yeah I'm fine are you tho." "Yeah just cold and tired. Said Hayley." "Lets get you to your dorm then." We got off the ground and went back to the castle. We walked in her dorm I put the fireplace on for her. While she changed I went to go get changed to. I walked back in her dorm and saw her sitting down by the fire so I went and sat next to her. I knew it was time she knew the truth. "You feeling better." "Cold that's all. Said Hayley." I grabbed a blanket and put it over her. "Better now." "Yeah thank you. Said Hayley." "Hayley." "Yeah. Said Hayley." She looked up at me. "I'm gonna tell you something but promise me you won't get mad or hit me." "I promise." "I'm your dad Hayley." She didn't say anything just looked down. "Why now. Said Hayley." "Why not what." "Why come into my life now. Said Hayley." "I just found out about you the day we met." "Did you know about me before that. Said Hayley." "No I didn't other wise I would've been their with you." She didn't say anything. "Hayley I promise you I didn't know." "Does Harry know. Said Hayley." "He found out last week when you came over." "Did anybody else know. Said Hayley." "Nobody else knows." She pulled me into a hug. I felt her crying on my shirt. "Hey it's ok." "How can I be so stupid to not notice. Said Hayley." "Your not stupid Hayley your not stupid and your didn't notice because you were having fun the entire time to notice." "Are you gonna leave me. Said Hayley." "No I'm not I'm not leaving you ever. Your my little girl." She just laid on my lap so I fixed the blanket and put it over us.

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