Chapter 32

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Hayley's POV

Somebody knock on the door. "I don't want to talk right now mom." They still walked in. "Well I'm glad I'm not your mother then. Said Dad." He walked in and closed the door. He came and sat on my bed next to me. "Hayley what was that all about. Said Dad." "I didn't want to argue with her dad." "Then why do it still. Said Dad." "See I'm very tired so I was gonna come to my room and sleep and talk to her in the morning but noo she wanted to yell at me." "Hayley your mom just wanted to know why you didn't tell her. Said Dad." "And I was gonna explain everything in the morning when I wasn't tired dad but she had to yell at me." " I know princess she didn't mean to yell at you yknow your gonna ha-." "To apologize to her I know." I laid on his chest and pulled the blanket over us. "Tired huh. Said Dad." "Yeah I am I just want sleep." "Then sleep. Said Dad." "Night dad I love you." "Night I love you to princess. Said Dad." He played with my hair till I fell asleep.

James POV

Hayley was finally asleep so I softly lifted her so I can leave the room. I fixed her and walked out and went to the others. I walked into the living room and sat next to Lily. "What'd she say. Said Jen." "She said she was tired and is gonna explain everything to you in the morning." "She's not mad at me. Said Jen." "No she's not don't worry Jennifer you we're just worried about her you weren't to hard on her either." "I hope not. Said Jen." "You weren't. Said Lily." "Well we better head to bed now. Said Sirius." "Yeah we should." We all got up and headed upstairs. I was walking towards Hayley's room when I got stopped. "What are you doing. Said Lily." "Laying down with Hayley." She shook her head and laughed. "Night luv." "Night. Said Lily." I walked into her room and laid down next to her. She laid her head back on my chest. "Night princess." "Night dad. Said Hayley."

Sorry it's short

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