Chapter 18

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Lily's POV

I went to check on James and Hayley see if their gonna get breakfast. I walked in and saw Hayley asleep and James playing with her hair. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Morning." "Morning." "Thought you were gonna sleep in our bed." "I was then she had nightmare so I stayed. Lily feel her tell me if she's warm or not. Said James." I leaned over and felt her forehead it was hot. "Yeah she's sick I'll tell Jennifer." "Alright I'll stay with her. Said James." "I already knew that." I walked out to send an owl to Jennifer.

James POV

Hayley kept tossing and turning then laid on my chest. She stopped moving when she did. It's been 45 minutes then they all walked in including Jennifer. "I told her to shower she never listens. Said Jen." "Sounds like James I had to bribe him to shower yesterday. Said Lily." "Shh she's sleeping." Jennifer walked over to feel her. "She just had to be stubborn. Said Jen." "When did she fall asleep on you. Said Lily." "Not that long ago." "She likes to cuddle up when she's sick so take in all the silence for now because then we'll hear her accent again. Said Jen." "That was funny. Said Sirius." "Not funny when you in public she'll just do it out of nowhere. Said Jen." "She takes after me." "We all know she does. Said Remus." "Well your stuck here till she wakes up. Said Jen." "I don't mind." I pulled the blanket over us. "We will wait in here till she wakes up then. Said Sirius." "No because you'll wake her up and she needs sleep. Said Lily." "You mean more sleep. Said Jen." "Yes more sleep. Said Lily." "I'll be quiet I promise. Said Sirius." "Fine but you have to be quiet. Said Marlene." They all sat down on the bed. I ran my hands through her hair. She rapped her arms around me and hugged me. I looked at Jennifer. "Yeah she does that when she's sick it's always been a habit for her. Said Jen." I nodded. "She looks like a kola bear. Said Sirius." "Yes but this kola bear will bite and hit you. Said Jen." "Yes she will." "Yknow she punched Harry because he woke her up. Said Lily." "Yeah Mary and Nora told me I don't know why she does that because I don't hit people. Said Jen." They all looked at me. "Not from me." "Yeah from you because I remember this one time we were in our dorm you were asleep and you punched me for waking you up. Saif Sirius." I laughed as the memory replayed in my head. They all looked at me again. "Ok maybe she does get it from me but I don't do it anymore." They all just looked at me. "I don't." "Whatever you say. Said Sirius." She started to move. "Sirius be quiet." She got comfortable and didn't wake up. "She'll be asleep for a couple hours just letting you know. Said Jen." "Hours." "Remember you don't mind. Said Sirius." He had a smirk on his face. "I don't mind Sirius what are you up to." "Oh nothing James. Said Sirius." He got off the bed. "Guys come over here real quick. Said Sirius." They all walked over to him then water spilled on me and Hayley she woke up screaming. "I'm going to murder whoever did that. Said Hayley." She jumped out of bed I quickly got out behind her. I looked at Sirius and he was laughing I noticed Hayley looks like she was gonna pass out. "Hayley you ok." "Yeah just dizzy. Said Hayley." "Sit down luv. Said Jen." "I gotta change first mom. Said Hayley." "Sit down Hayley. Said Jen." "I'll be fine don't worry. Said Hayley." Marlene already slapped Sirius in the head he's pouting in the corner because they sent him to one. Hayley walked in the bathroom to change so I went to quickly change. I walked back in the room and saw Hayley wasn't out yet. "She's not out yet." They shook their head no. So I walked over to the door and she opened it. "See I'm fine. Said Hayley." She walked out and towards the bed was about to fall when I caught her. "Whoa be careful are you sure your alright." "Yeah just dizzy. Said Hayley." "Hayley are you sure your just dizzy. Said Jen." "Maybe cold but that's all. Said Hayley." She looked at her bed. "It's wet still. Said Hayley." "I'll change it don't worry. Said Jen." "I'm laying on the couch. Said Hayley." She walked over to the couch and laid down. "Their Hayley I'm done. Said Jen." She turned around towards us. "Where she go. Said Jen." I pointed to her sleeping on the couch. "Bring her over here she doesn't like to sleep on the couch. Said Jen." I picked her up and brought her to the bed and laid her down. I put the blankets over her and we walked out. "Sirius are you serious. Said Jen." "What it was funny. Said Sirius." "She's sick." "This is why we said no. Said Lily." "Well I have to go James keep an eye on her if her fever goes any higher call me. Lily keep an eye on them two and Marlene don't let Sirius near her till she's not sick any more. Said Jen." "Got it. Said Marlene." "Bye now. Said Jen." She left and I went back in the room with Hayley I didn't know Lily followed me in. "She's exactly like you. Said Lily." "I know I just don't want nothing bad happening to her." "It won't as long as she has you it won't. Said Lily." "I hope not."

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