Hayley's POV
Yesterday was alright I don't know about today. I have Snape today and he's an ass. I walked in and sat down minding my business. "Ms.Lorenzo why are you late. Said Snape." "I didn't want to see you." I smiled at him he looked annoyed. "Well back to work. Said Snape." "I'm good thank you tho." He inhaled deeply. "Ms.Lorenzo either get back to work or leave my classroom. Said Snape." So I got up and started to leave. "Where are you going. Said Snape." "Like you said either do your work or leave so I'm leaving tootles snivillous." I walked out with a smirk I decided to go bother James he was like a therapist to me now. I walked in the classroom and saw a 1st year sitting down. "Hey Evan what are you doing in here." He looked up and saw me he got a smile on his face. "You know him. Said James." " Yeah he's the only 1st year that likes me." "Hey Hayley. Said Evan." "Aren't you supposed to be in class." He looked up and ran out I laughed a little. "Aren't you supposed to be in class too. Said Lily." "Well Snape said either do your work or leave so I left and came to bother Sirius and James." They both looked at me because I can be pretty annoying when I want. "Hayley just sit down. Said James." "Why when I can bother you two well it was just gonna be you then I thought hey why not Sirius." "What did I do. Said Sirius." "Be you." "Sit down and do your work. Said James." "Good thing I don't have any." "Well we have you next so start on ours. Said Lily." "Do it in the morning." "Your not giving up huh. Said Marlene." I shook my head no. "Then just sit down. Said James." "Who's class do you have next. Said Lily." "Prefessor Lupin." "Then you can just sit their and wait for his class. Said Marlene." "Why it would be more fun if I bother the boy's." "No Hayley sit down. Said Lily." "I'm bored." "Do your work. Said James." "That's boring." I banged my head on the desk then an idea popped into my head. So I got up ready to leave. "Where are you going. Said Marlene." "Well I'm going to kidnapped some first years duh." Before I could say anything I ran out.
James POV
Hayley ran out of the classroom and we all followed her so she doesn't kidnapped any first year. We saw her go to some first years so we watched to see what happens. "Hey their mini trolls. Said Hayley." We held in our laughs. "Who wants to come with me. Said Hayley." They didn't say anything. "Well I'll pick Evan let's go. Said Hayley." She picked him up and walked off so we followed behind her. "Your kidnapping me again Lizzie. Said Evan." "Yes I am now let's go teach you how to play quidditch. Said Hayley." We quickly grabbed Hayley before she could walk any further. Lily grabbed Evan and told him to go to class. "Hayley you can't kidnapped 1st years." "Why not I do it every year. Said Hayley." We just looked at her. "Alright no more kidnapping 1st years and stop calling them mini trolls. Said Lily." "Why not they are mini trolls. Said Hayley." Lily looked at me for help. "Yes Hayley they may be but don't because you will run into a wall again." "That was one time. Said Hayley." I put my hands on her shoulders turned her around and made her start walking to Remus class. When she saw it she tried to turn around. "No I hate this class. Said Hayley." "Well you need it." She tried to leave and escape my grip. "Hayley." "James. Said Hayley." "Hayley sit down. Said Sirius." "Remus careful you have an escapey." He looked at Hayley. "Hayley can you sit down please. Said Remus." "Sorry gotta walk my fish. Said Hayley." Then she walked out so we followed behind her. "Hayley you can walk a fish. Said Sirius." "Glad you remembered. Said Hayley." "Are you going to any of your classes." "Nope I'm ditching today to tired night. Said Hayley." She ran off so we stopped and looked at each other. "She's your kid James. Said Marlene." "We know she acts just like him always ditching class. Said Lily." "I didn't always ditch class." "Yeah you did mate. Said Sirius." "Let's head back to class."

The Lovely Star
FanfictionThe Potter survive and Peter goes to Azkaban. What happens when James Potter has another kid a daughter in fact. When James and Lily got in a huge argument he went out and got drunk and had a one night stand. With Jennifer Lorenzo. She had his daugh...