Chapter 16

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James POV

Harry walked out so it was just us. "Hayley be nice. Said Jen." "I am being nice mum. Said Hayley." "Hayley don't start with the accent. Said Jen." "Why not mother dearest. Said Hayley." "Hayley I swear to god. Said Jen." She started to do an accent. "Mummy how you feeling. Said Hayley." We all started to laugh. "Hayley stop. Said Jen." "Why mummy. Said Hayley." We laughed more people were started to stare at us. "Hayley stop. Said Jen." "Mummy you sound mad you feeling alright. Said Hayley." "Hayley stop it. Said Jen." "Mummy are you alright because if no-. Said Hayley." Jennifer covered her mouth while we were laughing. "Hayley stop it. Said Jen." She removed her hand from her mouth. "But mummy why tho-. Said Hayley." She covered her mouth again. "Hayley enough or I send you out their with the dragon. Said Jen." She moved her hand. We finally stopped laughing Jennifer was staring at me hinting that's your child. "What's wrong mom. Said Hayley." "You know what you did Hayley. Said Jen." Hayley just gave her a smile. "Your not funny Hayley. Said Jen." She just kept smiling then Harry came back. "See he's not dead i can leave now. Said Hayley." "Not so fast young lady your not leaving. Said Jen." Harry walked over to Hayley. "Here Hayley you'll need it for the next task. Said Harry." She opened it and it started to scream we all covered our ears except Hayley till Jennifer closed it. "Are you trying to blow our eardrums. Said Jen." She shrugged her shoulders. "Did it not hurt your ears. Said Harry." "Oh it did. Said Hayley." "Then why didn't you cover them." "I don't know. Said Hayley." We all stared at her. "Never mind that. Said Lily." "Well I guess congrats on not dying. Said Hayley." "Were you expecting me to fail. Said Harry." "Yeah I was actually. Said Hayley." We all stared at her. "Moving on let's go celebrate. Said Sirius." "Yes let's go. Said Lily." "Yay I'm going to sleep now. Said Hayley." She tried to walk off. "Hayley do you wanna come with us." "No I don't. Said Hayley." "Yes she will she needs to go out she sleeps all day. Said Jen." "I'm not going. Said Hayley." "Yes you will Elizabeth besides he's your team mate. Said Jen." "Because I don't have a choice. Said Hayley." "Well your going James keep her safe. Said Jen." "I will let's go Hayley." She rolled her eyes and started to follow us. We arrived and sat down. "So you guys excited for the next task. Said Sirius." Hayley looked zoned out. "I am i wonder what it is tho. Said Harry." We all looked at Hayley she was zoned out. "Hayley what about you. Said Sirius." I tapped her shoulder and she looked back at us. "What. Said Hayley." "Are you excited for the second task. Said Sirius." "It's probably underwater and if it is we are doomed Harry. Said Hayley." "How come. Said Harry." "Don't know how to swim. Said Hayley." "But you go in the black lakes then how do you do it. Said Harry." "Just hope I don't drown that's all. Said Hayley." We all stared at her. "Hayley you need to learn before you drown someday. Said Lily." "Who's gonna teach me. Said Hayley." "What about Nora and Mary. Said Harry." "No Nora will tell me just get in and don't drown and Mary well she'll teach me like a baby. Said Hayley." "James can teach you. Said Lily." I stared at Lily. "Yeah James he can teach you. Said Sirius." They all knew what they were doing. "Yeah Hayley I could teach you." She just looked at me. "So what do you say." "Fine but if I die I'm haunting you. Said Hayley." "What's up with you and haunting people. Said Harry." "Well it's funny they never know they'll think their going insane. Said Hayley." "How." "Well I'll start with dying first then finding my victim moving things infront of it but when theirs people don't move anything then they'll think their going crazy and keep doing it till they go crazy. Said Hayley." We all looked at her. "You thought that through huh. Said Marlene." "Yeah I thought about haunting Mary and Nora to but they'll probably tell me I'm stupid or they'll be dead with me. Said Hayley." "Moving on. Said Lily"

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