Chapter 28

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Time Skip Sorry again

Hayley's POV

It's been a year since I saw my mom and dad. I'm leaving a week earlier because I'm driving their. I got a jeep like Stiles because he wouldn't give me his so I got my own. I said my goodbyes and hit the road. I was by myself which made it more fun because I could sing as loud as I want without having someone to tell me to shut up.


I finally arrived at 12th Grunwald place their all staying their. I parked my car and walked inside. I didn't see them in the living room so they must've been in the kitchen sitting down so I quietly snuck into the kitchen. "So I heard Harry still hasn't dated Ginny yet." They all looked at me. "Hayley. Said Everyone." My dad and mom ran to me. "What are you doing here your not supposed to be here till next week even tho I'm glad your here now. Said Mom." "Well I came home earlier and I missed you guys." "Who cares my princess is back. Said Dad." We all laughed at him. "So Harry man up and ask her out." He rolled his eyes. "Ask her or I will." "You wouldn't dare. Said Harry." "Ginny wanna go on a date with me." She knew what I was doing. "Yes I will. Said Ginny." His jaw dropped which made us laugh. "Told you I would." "Leave your brother alone Hayley how was it we're your uncles nice. Said Mom." "Yes mom and it was a blast I join track and lactose which I was better then Nik but Scott I was more better then him." "Who's Scott. Said Mom." She was confused. "Right my best friend well after the boys." They all looked at me confused. "I recorded everything so you all can see it but some i didn't Hermione you know how to play some memories from the head right." "Yeah I do. Said Hermione." "You'll do it after the videos." She nodded. "Also don't get mad at any of the videos got it mom." "Got it depending on what it is. Said Mom." "To the living room." We all walked to the living room and I played the videos.

(Your Lydia and Stiles and Allison shooting the arrows. Your not Stiles when he's kissing Lydia that's somebody else.)

"That's us I almost recorded everything including the sad moments." "Did you follow them on dates. Said Mom." I started to laugh. "Yeah I did they never saw me." "Who was that girl that got stabbed. Said Harry." "One of my best friends." "What was her name. Said Mom." "Allison she was the first one to welcome me." I didn't say anything. "Did you really go out into the woods to look for a dead body. Said Sirius." "Yeah I went to go pick up Scott it was funny you'll see right now Hermione." "On it. Said Mione." She started to project my memories.

(Your Stiles and Scott is Scott Noah is an uncle.)

"I see what you mean now. Said Mom." "Did you sneak into their houses. Said Dad." "Yeah I did. Mione another one." "Wait their another video on the camera. Said Hermione." "Oh play it."
(Pretend their was no sex scenes)

"Those sneaky bastards." "Luv who was that. Said Mom." "No one mom." "What did you mean those sneaky bastards. Said Marlene" "my cousin he must've recorded it all." "Well he looks cute for you are you eating him. Said Lily." "No we broke up." "Oh. Said Lily." "Mione play the next one please." "Yeah. Said Mione."

"Did you really ask a girl if she found you attractive. Said Marlene." "Yes as she was gay and she said yes and I made 29 dollars that day." They all laughed. "Hunny don't ever talk with food in your mouth. Said Mom." "Why uncle Derek does it." "And I slap him for it. Said Mom." "Next one."

(Your Lydia and Stiles and Allison breaking down.)

"Hun who were those people. Said Mom." "My friends." "Why were you crying. Said Dad." "That's when I found out Allison died." "Why were Scott's eyes red. Said Remus." "He's a werewolf crazy I know but he is." "And your uncle didn't tell m about any of this. Said Mom." "He was but I told him not to." "Why. Said Mom." "You would've brought me back home." "Of course I would've." "I didn't want to leave them I wasn't ready to leave them not yet I needed to make sure they were all ok." "Mione can you just do the last one please." She nodded.

"Hermione stop showing them." She tried to. "I can't it won't let me." "Well make it."

It stopped showing so I went to my room. I closed the door and started pace back and forth in my room.

James POV

Hayley practically ran to her room me and Jennifer got up to go check up on her. We walked in and saw her pacing back and forth. "Hayley what's wrong. Said Jen." "They weren't supposed to see that they weren't aloud to see that mom. Said Hayley." She was gonna have a panic attack if she didn't call down so I walked over to her. "Hey it's alright calm down before you have a panic attack." She calmed her breathing down and stopped pacing. "Mom they weren't supposed to see that. Said Hayley." "Hey it's ok. Said Jen." "No it's not those were my last words to him mom before his mission I knew the risk so I told him that. Said Hayley." I pulled her into a hug. "Hayley."

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