Chapter 50

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James POV

Harry and everyone came to the living room. Jennifer lifter Hayley's legs and put them on her lap while Lily was on the side next to me. "Who's here Harry. Said Hayley." "Everyone. Said Harry." She groaned. "C'mon Hayley up. Said Harry." "No leave me alone. Said Hayley." "Well if you weren't off having sex with Ethan you won't be tired. Said Harry." They all held their laughs in and Hayley quickly sat up. "No I was not having sex with Ethan I was at the hospital with him. Said Hayley." "Yeah having sex. Said Harry." "We weren't having sex Harry but if we were why would I tell you. Said Hayley." Me and Harry made a disgusted face while everyone laughed. "Nasty Hayley. Said Harry." "You started it I just ended it. Said Hayley." "C'mon Hayley hurry up. Said Harry." "Fine I'm up god your worse then a 2 year old. Said Hayley." She got up and walked to the piano Harry brought out earlier. "Are you joining. Said Hayley." "Yeah. Said Harry." They both sat down at the piano. "This is a song Harry wrote and forcing me to sing it. Said Hayley." "I'm not forcing you. Said Harry." "What ever just start. Said Hayley."

"He wrote it. Said Bexs." "Yeah he did." "Its beautiful. Said Freya." "Yeah it is. Said Jen." They finished and Hayley came back and laid back on my lap and put her feet on Jennifer's lap. "That's the songs Harold wrote. Said Hayley." "Its Harry not Harold Elizabeth. Said Harry." She threw a pillow at him. "Hayley. Said Harry." "Call me Elizabeth again. Said Hayley." "Elizabeth. Said Harry." She got up and started to chase him while he ran. We all laughed. "Those are your kids James. Said Marlene." "We know. Said Jen." Hayley came back but Harry didn't. She came back and laid down. "Where's your brother." "Somewhere. Said Hayley." "Hayley. Said Jen." "Where's your brother. Said Derek." Then we heard banging on a door. While Hayley smiled at us. "Is that Harry. Said Freya." "No it's our dog. Said Hayley." We all looked at her. "Yeah our dog Mr.Harold our little ugly dog. Said Hayley." Lily went and checked. She came back with Harry he had his hands taped and his mouth. "Hayley did you lock him in their." "No I locked the dog in their. Said Hayley." She got up and ripped the tape off of Harry's mouth. "Owe. Said Harry." "Now Mr.Harold that's not how a dog talks. Said Hayley." We all busted out laughed. We stopped laughing then looked at Hayley who was sleeping on my lap. "She fall asleep. Said Jen." "Yeah she did." I ran my hand through her hair as she slept on my lap. "She must be tired. Said Derek." "Yeah she left the house at 3 in the morning. Then went to the hospital and stayed their." "How she doing. Said Mom." "She's getting better mom." I smiled as she slept.

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