Chapter 51 Last One

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Hayley's POV

I woke up on the couch I didn't see anybody it must've been the middle of night. I sat up and saw my dad looks like he just woke up. "Did I wake you." "No you didn't what are you doing up. Said Dad." "I have a shift in a little bit." I got up and walked to the kitchen with him following me. "Your networking yourself Hayley. Said Dad." "No I'm not." "Yes you are. Said Dad." I didn't want to argue anymore about it so I stopped. "Don't ignore me Hayley. Said Dad." "I'm not dad." "Yes you are you do that especially with your problems too even in Hogwarts you did. Said Dad." He was talking about the new teacher when Ethan first came.

Flash Back
It's been a couple weeks since we been back to school. Everyone hates the new teacher she's mean and punishes anyone who she doesn't like. She doesn't like me I never did anything to her she just doesn't like me. So I get detention a lot from her for stupid reason like my notebooks don't match Gryffindor or I don't have the right quill. I have a lot of redness and bruises on my hand and arm from her. I walked into her classroom and sat down like always. She gave me the quill and I started to write. I didn't tell my dad or anyone the only ones who know is Ethan and the golden trio. It started to make my hand bleed like always. I was on my third sentence when the door busted open. I looked back and saw my dad. "Hayley stop writing. Said Sirius." I dropped the quill and quickly cleaned my hand up. "What is this nonsense. Said Umbridge." "You using that quill as punishments for kids. It's a mocking quill and you can be sent to Azkaban for that. Said Remus." "Who are they gonna believe me who I work for the ministry or you guys. Said Umbridge." "Well Dolores they won't believe you because we have proof and your hurting my daughter. Said Dad." My eyes widen how did he find out I didn't tell him. Her eyes widen as she looked at me. "She's not your daughter are you Ms.Lorenzo. Said Umbridge." I didn't say anything. "Answer me. Yelled Umbridge." "Don't talk to my daughter like that. Said Dad." "Answer me. Said Umbridge." "Yes he's my dad." "Hayley c'mon she won't be bothering you anymore. Said Dad." I got up and grabbed my things and walked over to him and the others. "Dolores we'll see you next week in court. Said Remus." We walked to my dad's classroom where I saw my mom waiting for me. "Hayley. Said Mom." "Hey mom." "Sit down Hayley. Said Dad." I sat down in the seat and put my stuff down. I didn't bother to look up at them. "Why didn't you tell us. Said Mom." "And why did we have to find out from Mary and Nora and not you. Said Dad." "Because I told them not to tell you dad." "Why not look at your hand and arm it's all red and bruised. Said Dad." He yelled a little and pointed to my arm. "Hayley we told you to come to us if anything happens why didn't you. Said Mom." "Because you guys would've been worried about me and I got it handled." "Handled Hayley look at you arm for god sakes it's red and filled with bruises. Said Dad." "We worry about you because we love you Hayley. We don't want you to get hurt. Said Mom." "You should've told us. Said Dad." "Well I didn't." Before he said anything Lily butted in. "Let's get you arm fixed then can handle this after. Said Lily." "Yes can you do something about that Lily. Said Mom." "Yeah I can but it'll hurt. James you should probably hold her hand while I do it. Said Lily." He walked over and grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. She started to fix it, it started to hurt bad to the point where I was screaming at the pain. I almost passed out but she just finished before I did. "Their Hayley I'm done. Said Lily." I wrapped my arms around my dad I was crying from the pain. He wrapped his arms around me. "Their Hayley she's done. Said Dad." I just cried in his chest and held onto him. "I'm sorry for not telling you." "It's ok next time just tell us. Said Mom." I looked up at my dad with my eyes red from the crying. I had a tear slid down my face. He wiped it away. "It's ok Hayley I'm not mad I don't want you to keep things from us. Said Dad." He pulled me back into a hug. "I'm not mad Hayley it's ok. Said Dad."
Flash Back over

I looked back at him. I walked over and gave him a hug not wanting to let go. "I'm sorry dad." "For what princess. Said Dad." "I'm just sorry." "It's ok Hayley I'm not mad. Said Dad." I didn't say anything. "So are you still going to work. Said Dad." "No I think I'll take some time off and have Ethan take my shift." "Good I need my princess back. Said Dad." I smiled at him

Time Skip

Hayley and Ethan got married and had two kids twins a boy and girl named Elizabeth and Nik. Harry and Ginny had a couple kids too. Hermione and Ron had some kids too. The twins run their prank shop still together they finally got married to someone. James and Hayley grown closer again after the shooting.

Sorry for not posting in so long.

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