Chapter 6

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James POV

Class was already started when we heard the door open so we all looked and saw Hayley walking in. "Hayley." "Sorry was trying to contain my hair. Said Hayley." It looked half what decent. "Hayley this is your second class. Said Lily." "Yeah and I was doing my hair you think all this was an accident. Said Hayley" we held our laughs in. "Alright just sit down. Said Sirius." "Aye aye captain. Said Hayley." "Don't start with Liz. Said Mary." "Why their funny. Said Hayley." "Just sit down. Said Marlene." She finally sat down it was a couple minutes till it was over she just sat at her desk doing nothing. Then class was over. "Alright class is now over Hayley please stay. Said Lily." The rest of the class left and she got up and walked over to us. "What took so long for you to come to class. Said Lily." "Like I said I was doing my hair. Said Hayley." "For 2 hours. Said Remus." "Well the first half was just brushing it then trying to get it to cooperate with me. Said Hayley." "It looks like you just left it alone. Said Sirius." "Because I did my arms were hurting so I stopped trying and left and came here now I have purrfessor Minnie later. Said Hayley." She walked out and we all looked at each other. "That's your child. Said Sirius." "Really Sirius." "What she took 2 hours to do her hair. Said Sirius." "Whatever we have to take over for Minnie anyways let's go." We walked over to Minnie class and didn't see Hayley. So we just went and started class. "Alright we'll be taking over for Professor Minvera. Said Lily." We started then 10 minutes later Hayley walked in with an ice pack in her hand. Everyone looked at her. "What happened. Said Marlene." "Tell me you didn't. Said Nora." She didn't say anything and Mary and Nora started to laugh. "Well. Said Lily." "I ran into a wall and went to see Poppy. Said Hayley." That made Nora and Mary to laugh more. "We were just talking to you. Said Lily." "How did you run into a wall." "Well I was running away from angry 1st years I ran into a wall. Said Hayley." "Did you make them angry. Said Nora." She stayed quiet. "What did you do. Said Mary." "All I said was how was the weather down their. Said Hayley." "Sit down Star. Said Nora." She went and sat down and we continue class. It was over and we stopped Hayley again. "Hayley stop right their." The others walked out and she turned towards us. "Yess. Said Hayley." "Did you really run into a wall. Said Sirius." "And did you really make 1st years mad. Said Marlene." "Yess. Said Hayley." "Go to class and leave the 1st years alone and don't run into a wall again. Said Lily." "Yes Ma'ma. Said Hayley." She quickly left the classroom and we started to laugh. "She really takes after you James. Said Lily." "We know. Said Marlene

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