Chapter 21

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James POV

Today we go back home. We are heading to the 12th grimuald the safe house. We walked inside and I took Hayley to her room. She looked tired so I brought her to her room. We walked in and I sat her things down. "Here's your room princess." She looked around in the room. "I'll go." She turned around towards me. "Dad can you stay with me I don't want to be alone. Said Hayley." "Yeah I'll stay." She went and laid on her bed so I went and sat next to her. She laid her head on my chest. "Dad. Said Hayley." "Yeah." "Will it ever get better. Said Hayley." "It will I promise you." She wrapped her arms around me then fell asleep.

Jennifer's POV

Only the adults knew the real reason why they got a break. We are all sitting at the table. "Where's James." Said Sirius." "With Hayley." "Mum. Said Harry." "Yeah. Said Lily." "Why did we get a break if we got one few weeks ago. Said Harry." "Because. Said Lily." "Why though. Said Harry." "Because Harry no more questions got it. Said Lily." "Yeah. Said Harry." We all got up to walk to the living room to talk while the kids stayed at the table. "I thought he was coming back down. Said Lily." "He was Hayley must've asked him to stay she doesn't want to leave his side." "How's she feeling dear. Said Molly." "Well she tried to burn down her dorm yesterday. Said Lily." "Just giver her time she went through a lot she's traumatized right now. Said Molly." "Yeah she is I'm gonna go check on her." I walked towards her room and walked in. I saw James laying with her while she slept. "How's she doing." "Well she asked me if it ever gets better i told her yeah it will. Said James." I noticed she was holding on tight to him. "I failed her Jennifer I promised I'd protect her and I failed. Said James." "You did not fail her James you did everything for her and you still are you did not fail her. She loves you and I can promise you she's doesn't think you failed her." "But I did. Said James." "No you didn't because you are helping her right now you didn't fail her don't say you failed her." He started to play with her hair. "She will get better James." I walked over and gave her a kiss. "She will be fine because we are here to help her." "Your right. Said James." "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." He nodded and I walked downstairs.

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