Chapter 15

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Spanish in bold

Time Skip Sorry

Hayley's POV

Today is the first task James is walking me to the tent so I don't leave. "Can I leave now." "No Hayley. Said James." We walked in and saw Harry along with the others "Hayley you came. Said Harry." "I didn't have a choice to come." "Liz be nice. Said Mom." "It's true I didn't have a choice" "Elizabeth enough already. Said Mom." I rolled my eyes and Dumbledore walked in with a bag again. I turned away not looking at him. "Ms.Lorenzo come up. Said Dumble." "No be lucky I'm even in the tent." "Liz just go up. Said Mom." "No I'm not going up with that lunatic." "Elizabeth stop it now. Now go up their with Harry. Said Mom." I rolled my eyes and went next to Harry still not facing them they were all facing my back. "Elizabeth turn around. Said Mom." "Their lucky I'm next to them." "Alright then let's see if we could do it this time. Everyone pick one except Ms.Lorenzo. Said Dumble." They all picked one and I walked back to my mom. "Lunatic I tell ya." "Stop it Hayley. Said Mom." I walked over to Harry to see his dragon. "So your the little fella they kidnapped and forced to be in this stupid tournament don't worry they did the same to me." "We didn't kidnap you. Said Sirius." "Well you are forcing me to do this thingy and James took me from my dorm kidnapped." They all rolled their eyes. "I thought you didn't like dragons. Said Harry." "Oh I do like them. I just don't like this stupid thingy I got dragged into." "Right then Victor your first. Said Dumble." Dumbledore walked out so did Victor. "He's so annoying." "Who is. Said Harry." "Victor Krum." "Why. Said Harry." "Won't leave me alone I told him to go bother Granger instead she looked interested in him." "Yknow he's famous right. Said Harry." "He is." He shook his head yes. "No wonder why Ron wants his autograph I thought Ron liked him or something god I gotta catch up with people on who's famous and stuff." He just looked at me. "So Potter Nora and Mary told me your famous." "When did they tell you that. Said Harry." "At the train because I didn't know who you or your family was." "Hayley we been on the same team for 4 years now and you don't know me. Said Harry." "No I don't I don't even listen to Oliver at practice." "It's true she doesn't. Said Fred." I looked at him and ran to him. "I missed you Freddie where you been." "Busy with George we are planning our annual prank. Said Fred." "You prank me I'll have your head." "Got it where you been I haven't seen you in thw common room. Said Fred." "Mother dearest switched me dorms I'm next to the potter's dorm now." "Hayley drop the attitude. Said Mom." "What attitude mother I'm just telling Fred here what's going on." She rolled her eyes. "Now Freddie let's head off and find the girls." Before he could say anything someone grabbed my arm. "You can't leave Hayley. Said Mom." "Why not." "Because your supposed to be in here. Said James." "It's fine Lizzie I'll see you later. Said Fred." "I guess Freddie." I gave him a hug and he walked out. "How do you know Fred. Said Harry." "I talk to him during practice." "What about George. Said Harry." "Eh not that much me and Fred are more closer he's the only boy I talk to." "Why don't you talk to other people. Said Harry." "Because I don't like people or kids as a matter of a fact." "What about Evan. Said James." "He's an exception I can only tolerate him and he's the only one I like." While we were talking they all went up. Then it was Harry's turn. "Don't die." They all looked at me. "No good luck. Said Harry." "No because if you die then I have to do it by myself so don't die." "She means good luck. Said Mom." "I'll try. Said Harry." I shrugged and he walked out.

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