Chapter 45

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Time Skip Sorry.

Hayley POV

It's been a couple years since I graduated Hogwarts. I got a job at a hospital in England so I'm close to my parents. Ethan goes to the same hospital as me he works with me. The other day I had to pull the plug on an old lady and her husband didn't take it well. I felt bad because he didn't have anybody no more.

"No Ethan we can't let him die." "I know Hayley I know I'm trying my best. Said Ethan."

James POV

I turned the T.V on to see what's happening right now. The news came on and everyone walked in. "What are we watching. Said Lily." "Isn't that the hospital Hayley works in. Said Ginny." We looked and saw their was a shooter in it. "What's going on. Said Jen." "Theirs a shooter at the hospital Hayley works at. Said Sirius." We saw many cops and people their coming out. Me and Jennifer looked at each other then ran out the door. The others followed behind us. We got to the hospital and saw some doctors and people running out. We then saw Hayley ran out with Ethan while he was holding a person. So we ran over towards her. "Lay him down Ethan we aren't letting Jackson die. Said Hayley." He laid him down and some people took him away. "Their Hayley they got him. Said Ethan." "He was shot Ethan we need to go with him. Said Hayley." "He's fine now their taking him to another hospital. Said Ethan." I walked over and pulled her into a hug. "Hayley your safe." She pulled away and looked at me. "How'd you know. Said Hayley." "We were watching the new when Ginny pointed out this is where you worked so we got here as fast as we could. Said Jen." "Are you ok did you get hurt." "I'm fine dad I'm fine." I pulled her into a hug again. She pulled away and hugged Ethan. "He will be ok. Said Ethan." "I hope so I don't want our best friend to die E we need him. Said Hayley." "It's ok Hayley he will make it like he said he's a surviver. Said Ethan."

Hayley's POV

After everything we went home Ethan said he'll go check up on Jackson. He said he'll call me if anything happens. I didn't bother to change out of my clothes. I was still tramuatized after what happened. I zoned out to notice Ethan was calling. "Hayley. Said Harry." I looked back at him. "Yeah." "Your phone has been going off for the past 10 minutes. Said Mione." I saw 10 missed calls from him and messages to. Telling me to hurry and get to the hospital. I saw had some tears coming out I got up quickly and left. To busy to notice they were following me. I was hoping nothing bad happened to him. The three of us went to medical school together we were best friends. I still talked to Mary and Nora nobody could replace them ever. I arrived at the hospital and went to the elevator. It was taking forever then it finally opened up I quickly walked in and pressed the number. I was pacing back and forth then I heard the ding and walked out.

I cried into his arms as he held me.

James POV

We followed Hayley to the hospital. We got their and saw her crying in Ethan's arms. We figured her friend died. "Hayley. Said Ethan." "No I should've came with you. Said Hayley." "It would've happened either way. Said Ethan." "No it wouldn't have tell me everything they did. Said Hayley." "They brought him in checked him then took him to surgery. Said Ethan." "What about a C.T. Said Hayley." "They didn't get one. Said Ethan." "They should've gotten him one it could've prevented this all of it. Said Hayley." "Hey let's head home ok. Said Ethan." Ethan saw us and motion to follow them. I nodded and we went to their house Hayley went straight upstairs to the room. "Thanks for coming. Said Ethan." "It's alright we followed her." He nodded.

(Pretend it was his stuff she pored on. Their was no dead bodies either Jennifer is still alive.)

I grabbed Hayley before she burned down her house. I held her while she cried. "Hayley it's ok I got you don't worry." I looked at the others they looked worried. It's been at least 45 minutes then I heard no more crying. I looked down and saw her asleep. I picked her up she was asleep in my arms. "Lets head home Ethan your coming." "Your guys house has gasoline everywhere down here. Said Lily." He nodded and we left. We walked in and they all looked at us. Everyone was here they all heard what happened at the hospital so they wanted to know if she was alright. "What happened. Said Bexs." "Shh she's asleep let me lay her down hold on." I walked to her room and laid her on her bed i noticed she didn't change out of her work clothes. I covered her in her blanket and gave her a kiss and walked back down. I walked into the living room while they all waited for me. "What happened are they ok. Said Freya." "Their fine they didn't get hurt." "Thank god. Said Mom." "But what. Said Kol." "Her friend died from the shooting. Said Lily." "And she had a breakdown. Said Jen." "Another one. Said Freya." "Yes she tried to burn down their house." "The hospital is gonna get us therapy. Said Ethan." We looked at him. "They won't clear us to work in surgery till the therapist says so. Said Ethan." "That's good she'll be getting help both of you. Said Davina." "Yeah. Said Ethan." "I'm gonna head to bed now." "Alright. Said Everyone." I walked upstairs to Hayley's room. I laid next to her and she laid her head on my chest. I remembered when she had the first breakdown. It broke her when that happened. I just hope she's ok.

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