Chapter 47

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Hayley's POV

We arrived home and we walked in. I walked to the kitchen to get some water. Then went to the living room where everyone is at. "Hayley I thought you had work. Said Harry." "Got sent home." "Oh well come here I wanna show you something. Said Harry." We walked into the piano room. "What are we doing in here Harry." "I wrote this but I want you to sing it. Said Harry." "What do you mean." "I wrote a song for you I'll play the piano and you sing it I can't sing so I want you to. Said Harry." "I guess." We sat down.

James POV

We followed Harry and Hayley because Sirius wanted to be nosey. They went to the piano room. We whispered so they didn't hear us. "What are they doing. Said Sirius." "Just watch."

She finished singing and looked at him. "You wrote this Harry. Said Hayley." "Yeah I did wrote it a couple of days ago. Said Harry." She pulled him into a hug. "Do you like it. Said Harry." "Yes I do thank you. Said Hayley." "Your my sister Hayley I'll do anything for you. Said Harry." "I mean it Harry thank you. Said Hayley." "I know Hayley and I meant what I said I'll do anything for you your my sister no matter what. Said Harry." She pulled him into another hug. "No matter what Hayley I love you. Said Harry." "I love you to Harry. Said Hayley." We quickly left them alone and sat back down. "Awe that's so cute he wrote the songs for her. Said Bexs." "Yeah it is. Said Jen." "At least they don't fight. Said Kol." "Just because she fought with you all the time doesn't mean anything Kol. Said Jen." "She would get mad at me for taking her barney toys away Jen. Said Kol." "Well don't take them away. Said Davina." She'll be ok as long as we stick together she'll be ok. They walked back out and she came and sat next to me. I whispered to her. "Are you alright." She looked at me and smiled. "Yeah I am. Said Hayley." I smiled at her. "Dad I think I'm gonna go to sleep. Said Hayley." "Alright princess go lay down." She smiled at me and walked upstairs. "Where's she going. Said Jen." "To take a nap." They nodded.

Hayleys POV

After the talk with Harry I felt a little better. I laid on my bed not wanting to do anything. I was about to fall asleep when someone knocked. "Come in." They walked in and it was my mom. "Hey mom." "Hey luv came to check on you. Said Mom." "Was about to fall asleep." "Ok I'll let you sleep then. Said Mom." She was about to walk out. "Mom can you lay with me." She looked back at me. "Can you." She smiled. "Yeah baby I can. Said Mom." She walked over and laid with me. These random memories of me and my mom came rushing into my mind. "Mom." "Yeah. Said Mom." "Don't leave me." "I won't baby I promise. Said Mom." I laid next to her and cuddled up next to her side and fell asleep.

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