Volume 2. Chapter 18. Lonely Wolf and the Bird Queen

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Copper city, 8 years ago:

"You are a toy! You have no right to complain! Guards! Take this macarena back into his cell and don't let him out for the week!"

The guards grabbed the young noble and dragged him to his room, which had a countless number of locks on it.

The nobble bashed the door while crying in anger and sorrow.

"Why? Just...why?"

In his entire life, he obeyed the rules. He followed them at the mark, never disobeying, never doing anything unneeded. He was raised to be the perfect son, the best nobleman.

During his childhood, all emotions slowly died in him due to his upbringing. Anger, happiness, self-awareness, the only important thing was the family name and prestige.

And he was like this till he met someone.

It was a commoner girl, working at the fields, outside the walls. She lost her siblings and parents due to the famine, yet she never stopped smiling. The boy met her while he was with his father, helping him in his monthly duties.

When they meet their gazes, they immediately fell in love with each other.

The feeling grew each time they crossed becoming a tight bond.

The boy, secretly ran away from his home to meet with the girl, teaching her how to read and write, hoping to give her a chance for a better life, while the girl gave him the gift of joy, something he never experienced before. The girl also taught him how to live together with the kings of the forest, the wolves, who, if they respect them, could bring them prey and protect them in danger.

The boy became a successful hunter, receiving the praises of his father and elder brothers.

Their romance lasted for 5 years, till the girl as well was struck by the famine, losing all her money and land due to the debts that pilled up.

The young noble, wishing to help his love, sneaked her into his mansion and gave her the post of a maid. The young girl was grateful at first, having a place to eat, sleep, and earn money, however, her joy soon turned into sorrow.

The house's mistress soon found out about her and his son's relationship.

She became furious, enraged by the action of his till now perfect son.

To break their bond, she gave various tasks to the pair trying to keep them separate.

She would send the young man away to long hunts while giving more and more tasks to the maid, burring her in work.

Yet, against her greatest efforts, the two always managed to meet somehow.

As a final attempt, the mistress sent his son to a prestigious school on the other side of the world.

Not having the will to disobey due to his upbringing, he accepted the enrollment.

With his talents and the teachings that he received from the girl, the noble soon became one of the top students of the institute. During his studies he sent letters to his bellowed each day, receiving answers almost immediately.

Slowly, his love soon became an obsession. Every waking moment he could only think of her, and in his dreams, he saw her, at the forest where they observed the stars.

Then something changed.

The letters stopped coming.

At first, he thought that the letters were only late, but after one month he started to worry.

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