Chapter 5. Evolution

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Some words can make the heart of a man beat faster. For some people, it's a proposal or a promotion. But for us, gamers those words are the following:

[Maximum level reached]

[Do you wish to evolve?]

After I left the guild, I rushed back to the inn. I didn't really know what to expect from these evolutions. It might completely change my appearance or only my states would change, in any case, it would be wiser to do it in a calm and quiet environment.

I entered the inn and guess who was there?

"Oh, glad that you finally showed up! I was waiting for you!"

It was the knight girl Ana or Alma or something like that. She had a broad smile on her face that presented nothing good.

"You can't give up, do you?"

"Nope, I will make you help me." she took out a piece of paper and showed it to me.

"What's this?"

I took the paper and read it through.

It was an introduction letter from the cities guard captain. It asked me to help her in the task of investigating the gang that is controlling the city. During the investigation, they would pay me 20 gold coins and all expenses would go on the captain's count.

It was a very interesting proposition and yet a little too late. I didn't require that much money now and by joining the adventurer's guild I secured some funds. Risking my life for nothing would be foolish. Besides, why the holy hell would I want to anger the mafia that is literally controlling the entire city?

I turned the paper into a ball then threw it in her face.

"Forget it."

"You are so mean! You do realize that he would pay you more than he does me!"

"Don't care."

Seriously, I'm starting to regret helping her.

I went back to my room, locked the door, and checked the girl who was deep in sleep.

Ok, everything is ready.

[Do you wish to evolve?]


[ Evolution started.]

[Warning! During evolution physical attributes will be changed]

[Do you wish to proceed?]

Yes. Except for dark vision I never really used any of that.


[ The user will be evolved into.... Error!]

[Effect of title [Broken Soul] activated]

[Chose your evolution: [Demonic Beast] [Crossroads Demon] [Trickster Demon] [Slave Maker] [■■■■●■■■]]

[For more information please select [Details]]

Whaaa... I didn't know that titles had effects! Dose my other titles can do something like this? No, now let us concentrate on the issue at hand.



[Demonic Beast]:

Threat level: C

Description: These monsters are a serious threat to small villages. They usually lose all rationality, destroying everything they see. The physical appearance depends on the individual.

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