Volume 2 Chapter 21. Winds of War

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In a different realm, several shadowy figures gathered looking at a crystal ball that showed images of a masked man killing everyone in their passage.

"The future hasn't changed. We need to do something before he becomes too powerful and kills all creation."



With all my strengths I brandished my sword and swung.

The deer-skulled creature caught my blade with his bare hand, allowing me to activate my divine power.


Soon his entire arm became covered in a dark brown substance, before falling to dust.

Being the Minor God of Rust, I could anything into dust, even gods and, yet...

The monster howled while where his arm was a back liquid spilled out. Froom the liquid, several arms emerged, and soon, the other monster stud before me.


I have been here a week at least. It was some sort of corridor made from some sort of rock, that stretched for infinity filled with these abominations. Each time I killed one, they multiplied and came to attack me.

The wounded monster stopped yelling, from his wound a new arm grew out, holding a black spear. The others also manifested a similar weapon, like swords, axes, or even bows.

"Damn, I will kill you all!"


"Where am I?"

Ever since we have been absorbed by the Divine Domain of that demon, I have been alone here. These identical rooms, with the yellow carpets and wallpapers, were like a maze. And the buzzing!

It came from the lights that were over my head. I could hear it wherever I went it was maddening! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. All I saw was yellow and occasionally black.




Oh, no.

From one of the rooms, something crawled out. It looked like a giant slug with several arms on its belly, while dragging his body through the floor, it left a blood-like liquid behind itself. It had no distinguishable head, just a huge mouth that was filled with needle-like teethes.


"Get away from me! Dust Bolt."

I shut the thing in the head dissecting its body in two, revealing its jelly like meat.

Soon the monster, like the ones previously encountered turned into dust.

"It will be back. It will."

I already killed five of these things, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that it was the same entity.



He was far away from me, around 6 rooms away. I could tell the distance because I have been stuck here for a month now, only staying alive thanks to my divinity.

"I need to get out of here!"


"Two hours have passed."

I sipped from my drink while making sure the infusions were at their place.

"Still, who thought that there were so many idiots' gods?"

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