Misty Imagination

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Oh this is starting to get really annoying." My sister Veronica said angrily as she quickly sat down in the chair next to me. I, on the other hand, remained silent to her and continued to stare at the point I was looking at.

"Hey, Ellie aren't you listening to me?" She said to me in a weary voice as she waved her hand in front of me so that I could notice her. "Uhh what happened?" I stared at her blankly, freed from my thoughts. Her mouth dropped down and her face wore a pissed off expression. "I'm talking about the recent thefts at bakeries." She folded her arms and leaned back even more and said thoughtfully to me.

What my sister said was true, lately in the kingdom of liones there were constant thefts in bakeries and no one could catch the thieves. Moreover, the strange thing was that bread and etc were stolen regularly. Why were they stealing bread and not gold and jewels?

I sighed thoughtfully. "Yes that's right." I muttered, muttering approval to her. "So who could these thieves be we have to-" While she was talking, I was completely distracted from her and I stopped hearing what she was saying.

-I have to, please understand me.

-No you're not, I don't want you to do this we can definitely find another solution.

Then my eyes opened wide and I was trying to convince the man in front of me in an extremely worried way. But I couldn't see him, everything was blurry. He took a few steps towards me, which I could tell by the cobbler's deep voice.

-Trust me I will make it Elizabeth.

At that moment, I felt the breeze of the wind on my face and all over my body.

-I don't want you to go alone.

As the words slowly poured out of my mouth, I realized that he was getting closer to my face.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong with you!?" I came to my senses as my sister shook me on the shoulder. I looked around as if I had just woken up from sleep. Did I just dream? Did I just fall asleep? Where was I? I held my head with one hand while I was thinking about these in a confused way. "Your nose is bleeding." I saw my sister looking at me with concern.

I slowly brought my hand to my nose and when I pulled it back, I saw blood on my hand. Yes, she was right, my nose was bleeding. "Are you okay?" She asked me hesitantly. I nodded my head in the affirmative and slowly got up from my chair and walked quickly into the castle.

When I got to my room, I went into the bathroom and splashed the cold water quickly on my face. After washing my face, I was going down slowly to go out to the garden again. I couldn't help but think what had just happened? What did I see and who was that man? While I was thinking about what I had seen, I finally decided that it was just a dream. There could be no other explanation.

When I finally went down to the garden, I saw my other sister, Margaret, with Veronica. When I came near them, I saw Diane who is from the giant clan and also my close friend, rushing towards us. She almost tripped and fell while she was running right. Her state of mind made me nervous.

She was out of breath when she finally arrived. My sisters, on the other hand, gave her glances as if asking what had happened.

Diane looked at all of us briefly with her dark purple eyes full of worry, then sighed deeply and said, "What we heard is true, Meliodas killed his father and
ascended the throne."

Our blood froze in the face of what we heard

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Our blood froze in the face of what we heard. We all knew how bad and despicable he was. And now he was on the throne. The worst thing that could happen to us had happened, he was now king. Just imagining what he could do to us was enough to take our breath away.

Hello to everyone! I know I've been gone for a long time, I'm sorry about that, but I was very busy.😔 I was on vacation for a while and I had things to do but now I'm back!🤩 I hope you're all good.😊 Anyway, I hope you like my new story.☺️ I'm very excited for this story.🤗 There are a lot of mysteries in the story that will be a little different from the others.👀 The story chapters will be shorter but this time series will be longer, I hope you like it.🥰 Don't forget to give stars and comment.⭐ Thank you for reading.❤️

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