At Death's Door

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was afraid that the beating of my heart would be heard from outside, it was beating so fast. Because the demon outside still hadn't gone away and was slowly drawing sword on the walls of the tree house. What was trying to do? Why didn't demon just walk away?

I had no choice but to hope that Ban would come and save me as soon as possible. Because the goddamn demon wasn't going away and I had given up hope of it going.

"Elizabeth!" That's when I heard someone shouting and calling me, thank god heard my voice. After a moment of relief, I carefully put my ear out to see if the demon was gone. The noise outside was gone, and there was no more sound demon made. Maybe demon was scared when heard someone coming and ran away.

I slowly walked out of the ruined tree house and, after a brief glance around, started to move forward. As soon as I started walking, a demon suddenly appeared in front of me and I came eye to eye with his black eyes.

I was stuck where I was from fear. I did not try to escape, nor did I attempt to shout for help. I just stood there as if I had seen a ghoul in front of me and continued to stare into his deadly black eyes staring at me. He looked so different from the other demons. Yes, they were all very scary and cruel, but next to the demon in front of me, even the other demons were friendly.

He had blond rebellious cool hair, a nose and lips that matched his face perfectly, and a short but extremely muscular body. He was holding a huge bloody sword in his hand. And at that moment I realized that this demon was the demon who was rubbing his sword against the walls of the ruined tree house where I was hiding.

And now he suddenly appeared in front of me and blocked my way. He must have known all along that I was hiding there. So why didn't he just go in and kill me?

"What's the difference Ellie? He going to kill you now anyway." At that moment, the voice inside me whispered to me insidiously. Yes, it was right, I was going to die anyway, now I've come to the end of the road. it was impossible for me to resist him, I could never fight him. I would definitely die.

At that time, I realized that he was looking me up and down with his eyes. This made me shiver. The person I saw in front of me might be the scariest person I have ever seen in my life. Then he looked into my eyes again. He suddenly appeared right in front of me. He had appeared next to me in the blink of an eye at the speed of light. I almost fainted from fear at that moment.

"Stay away from her!" Just then, when someone shouted, I immediately looked in the direction of the voice. That person was none other than Diane, and Ban, King and Elaine were with her. I was happy to see them all well, but given the situation I was in, I couldn't be said to be fine.

"What will you do if I don't stay away?" I turned my gaze to him when I heard the demon's husky voice in front of me. He said sarcastically and openly challenged them. Strangely, his voice caused a chill in me, but also a feeling I couldn't explain.

Diane and the others looked at him extremely angrily. "You can't talk to her like that!" King passed in front of the Diane and said angrily. "How nice, now you've decided to be a hero, fairy king?" He asked sarcastically. His words pricked us all like thorns.

"I'll show you, bastard now!' Ban clenched his fists. But Elaine grabbed his arm as he prepared to run. "Please Ban he's doing it on purpose." Elaine said and looked at him with her glasses begging him not to go. Ban sighed angrily, didn't go and listened to Elaine's word.

I took the opportunity of this conversation and started to get away from him without knowing him. "Do you think I haven't seen you?" He asked me sarcastically and then looked into my eyes with his deadly gaze. He had noticed me, so I swallowed hard and stayed where I was.

"Good girl." He hissed at me sarcastically. I fisted in anger with my hands. I was very angry, I wanted to hit his perfect face. It was too much for me to bow down to him.

At that moment, I suddenly looked around and found myself on top of a giant. "What,where am I!?" I looked around with a small shriek coming out of my mouth in surprise. "I teleported you to us with my magic power, so you don't have to fear anymore, we are here princess." Merlin, the sorcerer of the Kingdom of Liones at the time, said to me with confidence.

I looked around over the giant on whose shoulder I was sitting King, Ban and Elaine were on the same giant. Diane had transformed into her giant form. I also saw several holy knights and giants from Liones. They had come to help the fairy clan.

Without wasting any time, we started to move away from there on the giants. I thought that demon boy would chase us or get angry, but on the contrary, he was smiling with a slightly darkened face, his lips turned to one side and an extremely comfortable sly smile.

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