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AUTHOR'S NOTE: First of all, happy new year everyone.😍 On the first day of the new year so I wanted to make a little surprise and post the new episode, if the number of stars in this episode is five, I will post the other episode tomorrow.😊 Good reading to you all!❤️


-Elizabeth's POV-

-T-thanks for the help.

I smiled shyly at him as my face started to turn slightly red.

-You know I would do anything for you.

When I heard what he said, I rolled my eyes at him. And my face started to burn more, he always warmed my heart.


I asked him in a childish way. I got closer to him and put my hands on his chest and started playing with the t-shirt on him. Then he slowly leaned towards my face, now our noses were touching.


I felt his hot breath on my face as he told me.

-Well, then I want to hug you!

To get out of this situation we are in, I quickly hugged him by the neck. He hugged me too and wrapped his arms around my waist.

-Just a hug?

He asked me with childlike disappointment in his voice. Then I slowly pulled my body back but my arms were still around his neck.

-S-stop it, you know I can't say no to you!

I said to him with sweet anger.

-Ummm but sweetheart, I need more than a hug.

He said sweetly to me and then slowly his lips started to touch mine.

I was sitting by the window and in front of me was a cup of tea that was once hot but now cold. I was confused again. Oh yes, I saw one of those fuzzy dreams again. So why was I seeing all these things?

I wasn't actually complaining about it. Because the man I saw made me feel amazing to person that and even if he wasn't real. I wish I could control my own movements during the daydream or simply everything was clear and had the face of a man that made me feel incredible.

"I can't believe you, you haven't had your tea yet." I was startled by a voice behind me at that time. But when I saw it was Elaine, I smiled. She smiled at me too. "God, Ellie your nose is bleeding." After telling me suddenly in a hasty way, she handed me a handkerchief from the drawer right next to my bed.

I took the handkerchief she handed me and thanked her politely, and then Elaine sat next to me. "I know what happened today was too much for you but-" I cut her off abruptly as she continued to talk. "What happened to me?" I asked her seriously at that moment.

"What are you talking about?" She asked confused. "Well, when we escaped from that demon, was I sleeping on the road or was I awake?" I asked her in panic and curiosity.

"Yeah so lucky we were able to escape from that new demon king, hmm anyway coming to your question, I'm not sure but I think you were asleep but you were also awake too. I don't know but it was more like you were unconscious." I frowned after she explained to me thoughtfully.

"N-new demon king? S-so he's the person.. I ran into-" As I tried to talk in a confused manner, Elaine nodded and finished the sentence for me. "Yes, it was Meliodas."

At that moment, I looked at Elaine in shock. I was with the man who killed even his own father, who was unfamous for his terrible glory from the beginning. If my friends had not come, he would have killed me for sure, I was more sure of that now. I was literally back from the dead.

"I never imagined him like this..." I muttered loudly to myself. But she heard me. "How did you dream?" Then she asked me curiously. "I thought he was a very scary looking person. Yes he still is, but I thought more like a pirate or a creature, I don't know." After a pause, I continued. "But he has nothing to do with my imagination." I said thoughtfully.

"True, he is as handsome as he is a bad person. That's why he's always the most popular among the girls who are demons." Elaine rolled her eyes as she said this. Before I had a chance to say anything, the door opened.

İnstantly my sisters Margaret and Veronica rushed towards me and hugged me quickly. "God Ellie, we heard what happened and we were terrified that something bad might have happened to you." Veronica said to me in an extremely worried way and they continued to give me a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're fine." At that time, Margaret pulled back slightly and checked me for any wounds. "Yes, I'm fine, I'm not hurt, don't worry." I told them with a smile on my face. They both looked relieved.

At that time, someone entered the room at full speed and they were almost breaking the door. We all looked at Ban and King who entered the room in surprise. "The demons have arrived, forcing the main gate to enter the castle!" King panting, said to us hastily in a loud voice.

We have come to the end of another chapter.😊 Thank you for reading.❤️ I hope you had fun.🤗 Well see you in the new episode!🙌

Between Two Worlds (Melizabeth) -SDS-Where stories live. Discover now