Fall In Love Twice

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-Elizabeth's POV-

When I saw Meliodas crying, my surprise increased even more and on the other hand, seeing him like this opened my heart. That's why I couldn't help the few tears that fell from my eyes.

"Y-Your scent..." At that moment, Meliodas stammered and took a few steps towards me. All the sounds in the room suddenly stopped. I did not move from where I was. "I...I know this smell!" At that moment, he said excitedly as if he had solved a mystery. On the other hand, he was looking at me with his wide-open eyes. "I know you." He said it out loud at that moment.

"I-I remember you. You are my..." At that moment, I couldn't hold back my tears any longer before he finished the sentence. My cheeks burned as tears fell down my cheek countless times. At that moment, Meliodas came even closer to me and finally came to the bottom. Without thinking, I jumped on his neck and hugged him tightly. My tears would never stop anymore. Then I felt him hugging me tightly. His hands were on my waist.

It was as if my brain and heart had stopped

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It was as if my brain and heart had stopped. I couldn't think of anything, and my heart almost exploded. I've been waiting for a long time for him to remember me, and he finally did. I was crying just last night in case he didn't remember me at all. But today the moment I've been waiting for has finally arrived. He remembered everything. He remembered me, our love... It was like a dream.

"Oh my god finally!" Meanwhile, the others screamed happily. For a while, we both hugged each other. Then we both pulled back slowly. I looked into his green eyes with tears of tears. "Elizabeth I-" At that moment, before Meliodas could speak, I softly bent my face towards his and kissed him softly on the lips.

At that moment, Meliodas took control and I felt his tongue all over my mouth. Then he pulled me in. There was no longer any space between us. We were one whole. We missed him so much that we didn't even realize how long we had been kissing. Finally we were out of breath and we slowly backed away. I was out of breath.

"Elizabeth, I'm so sorry." At that moment, Meliodas completed his sentence and said to me softly and sad way. I put one hand on his cheek. "It wasn't your fault." He shook his head in the negative and lowered his head in embarrassment. "No, I hurt you so badly, I hurt you with my own hands." He said angrily at that moment with tears in his eyes. "You weren't yourself. Also I-I hurt you too." I stroked his cheek softly with my hand. He lifted his head and looked at me. "I forced you to. You didn't want to fight me." He said and closed his eyes angrily and said softly to me.

I felt so bad and guilty too, remembering our fight with him and what we said to each other. I hated the man I fell in love with, and most of all, I nearly killed him.

"Hey it's not your fault either." At that moment, Ban intervened. We both turned our heads at him."Ban!?" At that moment, Meliodas got suprised. He must not have noticed them coming as his memory returned. "You finally remembered me, man." At that moment, Ban said cheerfully and smiled. Diane and Elaine were smiling happily on the one hand and wiping their tears.

I was slowly leaving his arms for Meliodas to satisfy the longing with the others, but he grabbed me by the waist again and pulled me towards him. couldn't help blushing as my body suddenly clung to him. "I'm not done yet." He told me slyly and gently placed his hand on the my jaw. After wrapping my arms around his neck he softly leaned into my face, now we were nose to nose.

"What kind of thing are you?" He asked me sweetly. With one hand he was stroking my cheek, melting my insides while the other hand was running all over my body. My face was now completely dark red.

My heart was beating like crazy. It had been a long time since I had been this close to him. And it would take some time for me to get used to it again. I waited for his answer without giving any answer to his question.

A sweet smile formed on his face. "You made me fall in love with you twice."

Meliodas finally remembered Elizabeth.🤩

So who do you think wiped their memory?👀

I hope you like the chapter.😊 Please don't forget to give stars and comment.⭐Thank you for reading.❤️ See you in the new episode.👋

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