The Pain

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-Elizabeth's POV-

We all looked at King in shock and concern. "We must stop them!" Elaine said in a hurry and quickly left the room with Ban. And then King rushed out of the room after them. "Elizabeth, you come with us, let's check on our father." Margaret said to me worriedly and took me by the hand and led me out of the room.

As I sprinted towards my father's room with my sisters, I was holding my long fluffy dress to keep it from falling. And the castle was completely empty, probably the holy knights were fighting demons.

When we finally reached my father's room, the three of us burst in. We scanned the room quickly, but our father was not there. It was as if boiling water had been poured over my head. Where was my father? I couldn't even bear the thought of something bad happening to him. I'm sure the three of us were thinking the same thing.

The three of us looked at each other worriedly as the voices from outside grew louder at that time. Without thinking, we quickly came to the window and looked outside. The sight I saw horrified us.

The entrance gate to the kingdom of Liones had already been demolished. Only the entrance gate to the castle remained. Even though the holy knights, giants and fairies were doing their best, they couldn't stop the demons. As they all died one by one in the blink of an eye, at the same time the door was almost starting to break down.

"Elizabeth stay here, lock the door and put a few things in front of it okay?" I turned my gaze to her with Veronica's worried voice. The three of us were teary-eyed, just trying not to cry because we'd all just accepted that we were all going to die.

I nodded my head in approval. But this time I wasn't going to listen to them. I couldn't leave them alone in such a situation. Yes, I had no strength to fight. But still, I wasn't going to lock myself in this room like I was afraid and wait for them to come and kill me. I wouldn't do this to myself, my family, or my friends.

-Oh my god you scared me!

When I saw him suddenly I got scared and startled, I brought my hand to my heart, and as I slowly turned my head back, I came face to face with him. But unfortunately it was blurry as usual.

-I'm so sorry, how can I forgive myself?

I felt a hint in his voice, so my face started to turn red. I turned my head back to him so he wouldn't see it. But he took advantage of it and put his head on my neck and started giving gentle but passionate kisses. I was red up to my ears now. Small moans came out of my mouth.

-Y-you should s-stop...

I told him with difficulty, and my face was now dark red.

-I can't.

He told me in a husky voice. As he continued to kiss, he then wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and pressed me closer to himself.

When I came to my senses, I quickly looked around my sisters were already gone. Oh my god this was the wrong time to see my dreams. I've been seeing it more often lately, I didn't know why. I quickly wiped the blood from my nose with the back of my arm and ran towards the window. Because right now there was no time for all this.

The sun was setting so my eyes were a little dazed and I tried to squint at the door. I was shocked with the image I saw at that time. The door was broken and outside there were neither holy knights nor giants nor fairies nor demons, no one...

Without thinking, I left the room and started running down the stairs to reach the entrance. Please god if i'm not late. While I was praying to myself, when I finally reached the stairs, I quickly descended.

I stopped when I reached the immense entrance of the castle. Everyone was here, giants, fairies, holy knights, my friends, my sisters, even my father. But we were much less than in our initial number. Anyway I was a little relieved to see that they were still alive.

The door was wide open and the demons were standing in front of it. I quickly scanned them all with my eyes. The new demon king wasn't here. it was a chance for us, but he didn't even need to be here. He saw us as extremely weak. And he was sure that his own soldiers could kill us. This could not be explained any other way.

There was some distance between us and the demons, but at that moment, they instantly closed that distance and instantly killed the holy knights who were at the top of my father and sisters as a bulwark. I watched all these events in horror. Now it was my sisters and father's turn.

"NO STOP İT!!!" I closed my eyes tightly as tears poured out of my eyes and cried out in pain as I clenched my fists and clenched my fists tightly.

Hey guys! I hope you like the episode.😊 I know there are many secrets in the story, but as you read, you become a learn.👀👉👈 Please don't forget to give stars.⭐ Thank you for reading.❤️

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