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-Elizabeth's POV-

At that moment, it was as if time had stopped, as if the man in front of me was not the Meliodas whose memory was erased, but the man I fell in love with. It took me time to realize what he was saying. I just stood before him, like a statue, without saying anything. He just kept looking into my eyes.

It was very difficult for me to believe what he said, yes, if we were the same as before, I would have believed him without hesitation, but now that was not possible. It was impossible for him to fall in love with me. I could never believe that.

He's just trying to fool me, yes he's just making fun of me.

After saying this more than I can count to myself, I slowly broke free from his arms and distanced myself from him. He was watching me carefully while I was doing all this. Finally, after putting a great distance between us, I looked into his black terrorizing demon eyes.

"I-I'm out of here no matter what, you can't imprison a queen in this room." I told him in a flat tone as if the moments before had never happened. His sly smile had disappeared now. And he looked extremely serious. It made me unwillingly uneasy. But I tried not to show it. "Well I got it..." He mumbled silently. Then he turned his gaze back to my face. "Let's try to run away, then-" At that moment, after a pause, he continued his speech again. "You'll see what I'm going to do." After he said it in a husky voice, it felt like the room had suddenly gotten very cold. I had goosebumps.

After looking at me for a while, he quickly left the room without saying anything. After he left, the key came from behind the door and I realized that he had locked me in the room. I sighed deeply in distress and then tried to find a way to escape the room. I quickly started looking for Meliodas's room. Actually, I didn't know exactly what I was looking for. But I had to find something. something that can get me out of this room. There had to be a way.

I quickly scanned the closet, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything that would work for me. There wasn't much in the room anyway. I wasn't surprised either, because Meliodas didn't need many things, unlike me.

While I was brooding on what to do, I suddenly saw Meliodas's desk. Without wasting any time, I ran quickly to the table and started to poke around. I was afraid of what would happen if Meliodas caught me, so I had to be fast. On his desk was nothing but a few papers and a simple pencil. Suddenly all my hope was gone. I couldn't find anything. I was stuck here, in this room...

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in bed. Quickly straightening up in a moment of fright, I was met with Meliodas's black demon eyes. My confusion and anxiety increased even more. Because the last time I was trying to find something to get out of this room. But at the moment I found myself in his bed so I was confused.

Then I glanced quickly around the room and saw that the room was now dark, it was evening. "When I got to the room, you fell asleep sitting on the floor, so I carried you to the bed." Meliodas must have understood that I was confused too, because he suddenly explained to me.

Then I imagining him carrying me in his arms made my face begin to burn. I wished for a moment to be awake in that moment. While thinking about these I turned my gaze from the room to the him again. But he looked strangely still. Although this made me a little nervous, I decided to care.

"Thank you." Still, disregarding that, I said politely to him. "What were you seeing?" He suddenly asked me seriously, ignoring what I said at that moment. I frowned at him suspiciously. "U-uh what-" I was about to ask him confusedly, but he cut me off. He renewed his question by asking more descriptively, "What did you see about me in your dream?

Why do you think Meliodas's is acting weird?👀

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