Awakening Of Power

461 19 11

-Elizabeth's POV-

With my loud scream, everyone's eyes turned to me. Then I slowly rose from the ground. My feet no longer touched the ground. I flew over everyone, and when I went near the demons, I stood in front of them.

The demons were all staring at me with as much anger as they were in shock. But the anger on their faces was of a different dimension than their usual anger.

I raised my hands against them without them having to say or doing anything. "Ark!' I said in a very loud voice, and huge white glowing lights began to emerge from both my hands. After guiding them towards the demons, I continued to push them towards them with all my might with both hands.

 After guiding them towards the demons, I continued to push them towards them with all my might with both hands

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After a while, after the rays ended, I saw all the demons lying on the ground. I slowly descended, and when my feet began to touch the ground, I slowly approached them. When I came near them, I saw that they were all dead.

I was shocked at that moment and covered my mouth with my hands. I killed them but how? "E-Elizabeth your-" At that time, when I heard Diane's voice in shock, I turned around. All the clans, everyone was looking at me in shock. I couldn't understand why they were looking at me as if they were seeing me for the first time. Out of curiosity, I went to a place with a reflection and looked at my own reflection. Now it was my turn to be shocked.

I had huge white wings on my back, resembling an angel. My eyes were no longer ocean blue, but a fiery orange color. With the shock of the sight in front of me, my eyes slowly darkened and I felt the cold ground. After that it was completely dark.

"She's waking up!" That's when I heard Diane's voice happily. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Diane, Elaine, Ban and King. And then when I slowly lifted my head from where I was lying, I realized that I was lying on my bed in my own room.

"How are you feeling?" Ban asked me hesitionally. "I'm fine, I just feel so tired." While answering Ban's question, I rubbed my head with one hand. "We were so worried about you." Then Elaine talk worriedly. I smiled at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you." I said her with my head bowed. "Oh Ellie, it's okay don't think about that please." She said to me in a calming tone and smiled.

"Elaine is right, after all, we owe our lives to you." King said with a smile on his face. I frowned after what King said. "Huh?" I said thoughtfully, looking at them all, confused. "Would you leave me alone with my daughter?" At the moment my father asked them politely. My friends nodded positively and then went out.

I turned my gaze to my father, extremely confused and suspicious. After closing the door behind my friends, he came to me and sat on the edge of my bed. I straightened my back even more in my seat and waited anxiously for him to start talking.

"Elizabeth, I didn't want you to know any of this, but-" He paused and took a deep breath. "You have to find out now." Then he said to me seriously and looked into my eyes. He looked quite worried. "Dad what's going on?" I asked him anxiously and curiously.

"I'll tell you the truth you always wanted to know." My eyes widened after he told me in a flat tone. Until now, I've always been very curious about my real family or how I was found and what happened to me. But my father always turned me down to tell. Although it was strange to me that he suddenly decided to tell it at the moment, I did not question it too much. Because I was going to learn what I wanted to learn for years. This moment was more important.

"On the day the demons destroyed the goddesses, we found you unconscious in the garden of the goddess clan." He was speaking to me without ever making eye contact. "Is the goddess in the garden of the clan?" I repeated to my father, confused as to be sure. He just nodded and then continued speaking. "Then we picked you up and brought you to Liones. We found a necklace on you while checking in to treat you in case you have any wounds, but strangely you were never hurt." He sighed deeply and continued. "There was a symbol on the necklace that symbolized you being the princess of the goddess clan."

I looked at my father in shock. And for a moment I doubted whether I heard my father's words correctly. "S-so am I a-" At that moment, when I was trying to ask my father with difficulty, my father understood me and answered my question. "Yes Elizabeth, you are a goddess, and a very high one."

I hope you guys have fun in this episode.🥰 Pls don't forget to comment and give stars.⭐ Thank you for reading.😍 Love you all!❤️

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