Meaning Of Love

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-Third Person Perspective-

Meliodas quickly returned to the demon kingdom. As he quickly climbed the stairs to his father's room, a arm stopped him. "What do you think you're doing?"

Meliodas was so angry that fire was pouring out of his eyes. Zeldris was frightened and surprised to see this. "Get out of my way, Zeldris!" Meliodas said very coldly. But this seemed to enlighten Zeldris rather than frighten him.

"Or is it really you and princess-" Before Zeldris could finish, meliodas sparrow interrupted him. "Shut up!"

"It is correct to say understood. No matter what you say, I won't let you put yourself in danger, especially for that girl!" Zeldris said angrily.

But this only made him more angry. "You can stop it if you can." Meliodas said coldly, then pulled his arm hard. "Don't try again!" He said, then quickly continued up the stairs.

The Ten Commandments quickly approximated Zeldris. "Zeldris-sama what now?" Galand asked anxiously at that time. "No one can defy the demon king, not even his son-" Zeldris interrupted then. "Damn I know!"

When Meliodas came into the room, he rushed into the room without even knocking on the door. The demon king, who was sitting on his throne at that time, turned his deadly gaze straight to him. "Meliodas How dare you enter like that!!!" He roared.

"Dad-" When Meliodas starts talking Demon King signaled for him to be quiet. "I haven't let you speak yet." At that moment the doorbell rang and Zeldris entered.

Demon king "Mhmm why are you both here at the same time?" He asked suspiciously and he cast his gaze over the two of them. Zeldris looked at Meliodas.

"Can I talk now?" At that moment, Meliodas asked, anger in his voice. "Speak, son." Demon king said menacingly. "I canceled the war preparations, Father." Meliodas said straight. "What? Do you realize what you're saying? Are you kidding me you idiot?!" Demon king shouted his voice almost shook the entire castle.

The demon king stood up and approached Meliodas. But Meliodas looked directly at him and didn't look worried at all, unlike Zeldris. "Where did you get this courage? Did you think you could make these decisions because I made you my deputy, without asking me?" The demon king nudged Meliodas hard from his shoulders.

At that moment Zeldris intervened. "Daddy please, Meliodas just thought it was too early for this battle, otherwise it wasn't his intention to go against you!"

"Is that so?" At that moment, the demon king stopped. "Y-yes dad." Zeldris said like a timid cat. Meliodas, on the other hand, was a little stunned by the hard swing. The demon king was so strong that even a slight shake of it left a deep impression.

The demon king released Meliodas, and Meliodas fell to the ground. Zeldris looked a little relieved, immediately went over to Meliodas and tried to get him to his feet. "I will never forgive you again, Meliodas, even though you are my son, I will never forgive you. This is my last warning to you." Demon king said coldly. It was as if his menacing speech had suddenly lowered the entire room temperature.

Meliodas rose to his feet and glared at his father with anger. "We already know we're of no value to you." Meliodas said harsly "Meliodas, Meliodas... do you know why you look like me?" The demon king asked and walked towards the glass, folding his hands behind his back.

"Neither of us has any sense of love or conscience." After saying this, he turned back to Meliodas. "But Zeldris is different from us, he looks like his mother." Meliodas was breathing through his nose. "Don't make me look like you. I'm not like you!" Meliodas shouted. Demon King laughed. "Don't fool yourself son. We are same."

"You are wrong, I have a heart a even a heart that belongs to someone! To risk death for someone! let her be your everything! unable to imagine a life without her! The pain and longing you feel in your heart every day you don't see her! So do you know what that means, huh? Answer me!!!" Meliodas cried out in anger. Zeldris stared at Meliodas in shock. Even the demon king was Shocked

Meliodas continued. "And I won't let you take her from me because of your stupid ambitions!"

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