The Raid

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Fear took over my whole body and I began to struggle to get rid of it. I wanted to scream and call for help, but I couldn't. That's when someone whispered in my ear. "Ellie calm down its me." I was relieved when I heard this familiar voice and stopped fluttering. This person was none other than Ban.

"The demons are here, we have to leave the forest before they notice us." He said to me quietly, in a very serious tone. I nodded slowly to show that I understood him. Then Ban slowly removed his hand from my mouth.

My body was shaking with fear. Would I die, would we die? What if they find us? While a million questions kept running through my head, I asked the question that scared me the most. "W-where are the others Diane, Elaine and King?" I asked him in a whisper.

"I don't know..." He paused and said thoughtfully. "We need to find them!" I told him anxiously. Even the thought that they might be in trouble destroyed me. They were my friends and I couldn't let anything happen to them. I had to make sure they were okay.

As I involuntarily mourn, "I'm sure they noticed the demons beforehand, don't worry, they're fine." Ban said it to me quietly and his speech continued. "There's no time to lose, we have to go. Follow me behind me." He told me quietly. I nodded my head positively. Then we started walking nervously down the long corridor in silence. As Ban had said, I was walking right behind him.

We came to the end of the corridor where we were walking nervously, and at that moment Ban gestured me to stop. Footsteps were heard nearby. At that moment, Ban leaned his back against the wall with his sword in hand and he waited began. Likewise, I leaned my back against the wall next to him and listened to the footsteps approaching silently towards us and closed my eyes tightly in fear.

Suddenly I heard the sound of someone collapsing to the ground after hearing several swords and grappling sounds. everything happened so fast. I opened my eyes in fear and immediately turned my gaze to the person lying on the ground.

When I saw that it wasn't Ban lying on the ground, I took a deep breath and then looked more carefully at the person lying on the ground. He was a demon, I could tell by the black mark on his forehead. He had normal length and straight brown hair. "We should go." Ban whispered to me silently.

After checking the surroundings again, we continued to move forward. When we got to the stairs, Ban got off from the front and I got down from behind him. And now we were no longer in the tree house, we were in the forest.

Demons were running around. They were getting inside the tree houses and checking the surroundings. They were very numerous. My eyes widened with fear. At that moment, Ban signaled for me to be quiet again. I shook my head in fear.

We started to move silently through the crowded trees before they noticed us. After a long time we approached the exit of the forest. It took a long time because we had to stop and hide or for Ban to kill a few demons. And I was just as scared every time as the first time.

"Elizabeth, you hide here, I'll try to find others." Ban told me quietly. I was very scared at that moment because I didn't want to be alone. "I-I'll come with you!" I told him extremely worried. "No, the inside of the forest is very dangerous, you will be safe here, we are very close to the exit of the forest already." He told me reassuringly. "Don't be afraid, I'll be right back." Silently told me.

"P-promise?" I asked him nervously. "I promise to be your one of the close friend." He told me with a smile. I smiled at him too. I then hid in a tree house that had been slightly destroyed by the demons that Ban had told me about. Ban also helped me. And that's when I understood why Ban wanted me to hide here. Because this place was near the exit, and at the same time it had already been controlled by demons before.

After the Ban left me, I continued to hide without making a sound. That's when I came over the grass and broken branches and realized that someone was coming my way. It was getting closer and closer and my heart was beating more and more in parallel.

I closed the mouth slowly and tightly with my hands. This person was probably the demon. Anyway, I had no magic power. Otherwise my presence would have been noticed.

The someone was walking very slowly around the tree house, rubbing something sharp, possibly a sword, from the sound it made, into the ruined treehouse. I wasn't sure if demon did it on purpose or just by accident. So I was so scared and prayed inside that demon wouldn't look here.

Well I admit this episode was a bit scary hehe.😂 But still I hope you like it.👉👈 Aw thank you for reading, love you all.❤️

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