The Darkness İnside

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Estorossa's face was almost covered in blood. When I saw her face like this, my fear increased even more. However, he slowly stood up. I looked at him in shock.

He was barely standing on his feet, yet he was still trying to share his trump cards. He wiped the blood from his face with his arm. His face looked more normal than before, although he couldn't clean it much. Zeldris, on the other hand, had the Meliodas pinned to the ground. He was trying to prevent his move against Estorossa.

"While Merlin was working for our clan, I found out that you had fired her suddenly. This sounded very suspicious to me. So I went and talked to her. I found out her feelings for you and that you had rejected her. I wondered why, in fact. Why did you go so mad?" He spoke with difficulty. Meliodas was still breathing through his nose.

"And one day, I noticed that you were constantly leaving the castle on certain days, and so I followed you. It was quite difficult because I knew how smart you were." Everyone was silent as Estorossa continued his speech. "When I finally saw where you was going, or who he was going to, I have to admit, you really surprised me."

"His father's favorite prince was in love with our archenemy's daughter. What a big deal." He said sarcastically. "Of course I couldn't remain silent about this. It wasn't hard for me to start a small rumor about you two. I didn't go and tell you what I saw in order not to fall into my father's eyes even more. Because he wouldn't believe me." In the face of what Estorossa told, the puzzle pieces started to fall into place.

Meliodas and I used to meet very secretly, and even if we did meet, we would never let anyone know what was between us. But suddenly one day there was gossip and we could never make sense of it. But now what we heard explained everything.

"My father also suspected you for a while, and your great love was revealed." Estorossa smiled sarcastically. "But I never thought you would kill my father. Which of us could have guessed that you'd be such a bastard, right?" He pretended to pretend to be thoughtful.

"Watch your words, Estorossa!" Zeldris said threateningly to him. but Estorossa didn't care. "As for my deal with Merlin, I did it because I wanted to take at least one of them away from you, with all the power, position, and excellence you had." Estorossa suddenly broke away from his calm and sarcastic self. He almost cried out in anger, then looked at me.

At that moment I realized that he meant me and his gaze filled my blood, it was very disturbing.

Meliodas suddenly jumped to his feet, and Zeldris holding him nearly flew away. "But you didn't get her." Meliodas said strangely calmly and approached Estorossa. "What's mine is mine." Meliodas said to him diabolically and now the two of them were nose to nose. "This is the last thing you'll hear before you die." Meliodas said sharply, and a devilish smile appeared on his face.

I was not used to seeing him like this. More than anything else, seeing him like this saddened and frightened me. That's when someone tapped my shoulder. "We have to go" was that Zeldris.

"No, I can't leave him like this!" I defiantly opposed Zeldris. "Don't worry, I'll leave you and come back." He told me calmly. "But-" Zeldris cut me off. "Trust me, I know, I have no right to say this, but please trust me. I know my brother. He doesn't want you to witness this here. That's why you should come with me." Zeldris said confidently.

Thats was true. I didn't really trust him, and I had very good reasons for that, but when I looked into his eyes, I could see that he was sorry. So I accepted.

Then Zeldris brought me to the Liones castle at lightning speed. We arrived fast, almost in the blink of an eye. I was shocked and looked around in surprise. back wasted no time, He came back and suddenly disappeared from my sight.

"Elizabeth!" I looked in the direction of the voice and saw the others running towards me. "Oh my god, we're gonna crazy where were you?" Elaine asked me worriedly. "Are you okay, Ellie?" Diane asked worriedly and put her hand on my forehead. "Where is Meliodas?" At the same time, Ban suddenly asked.

I looked at him. I wanted to answer but I couldn't say anything. But Ban understood the situation more or less from my gaze. "Did he go to that guy?" I realized he meant Estorossa and just nodded. "Damn, I knew it! Ban said angrily. Hearing this, the other looked at each other worriedly.

Also I told them where they were before they even asked. So Ban and King immediately went to the place I said. Diane and Elaine let me into the castle. When my father and my sisters saw my condition, they came to me directly.

Elaine and Diane explained the situation without asking. I couldn't even hear their conversation while they were talking. My mind was in Meliodas. Since he was not alone, I was somewhat relieved, but still, no one could hinder his power. I knew that.

At that time, I couldn't stand it any longer and started to cry. Suddenly speech sounds stopped. My sisters, who had noticed I was crying, Diane and Elaine collapsed next to my chair. "I'm afraid the darkness will take over him again." I said in tears.

All mysteries are solved. What do you think?

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