Darkness is Approaching

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-Elizabeth's POV-

There was a dead silence between the four of us. It wasn't hard to guess what everyone was thinking. It was Veronica who broke the silence. "We need to notify my father immediately!" She said quickly with concern. "First they destroyed the goddess clan, and now they want to destroy us all. I'm sure Meliodas will strive for it." Margaret muttered softly, ignoring what Veronica had said. "How could such a perfectly powerful clan perish? I still don't get it." Diane said sadly and lowered her head.

Goddess clan... they were truly the only clan that had angelic wings and could deal with demons compared to other clans. They had incredible strength, so their destruction was unbelievable. These are what I heard around me. I had never seen goddesses with my own eyes. But I would love to see them more than anything.

"Yes it was. But they don't exist anymore so we have to fight the demons." Veronica said passionately and continued. "We don't have time for all this, I'm sure Meliodas will act soon. We must get ahead of him and tell my father and get everyone together." Veronica said solemnly.

We all looked at each other. We knew she was right. But fighting them without the goddess clan scared everyone. "Okay, so you go tell the King Barta, and we'll go with Elizabeth to the fairy king forest and tell the fairy clan." Diane said and looked at me as if waiting for confirmation.

"Alright!" I said and nodded in agreement. Diane smiled at me. "Don't go alone, there may be demons around. A few holy easels will come with you, otherwise my father won't let you." Margaret said while looking at Diane and me, hinted that we should accept it.

As a human clan, our holy kings were specially trained to fight demons. Apart from that, the people also knew how to fight and so did my sisters, but I was the weakest. I couldn't hold a sword in my hand and even if I hit someone in front of me, it wouldn't cause the slightest movement. So my father always kept holy knight around me to protect me.

I wish I had the strength to protect myself. So I wouldn't always have someone around me and I could have some freedom.

Since we had no other choice, we dissected what my sister said. "Be careful." After warning us and waving, they returned to the castle to inform my father. At that time, the holy knights joined us on our journey and we set out for the fairy king forest.

Diane and I were walking silently side by side, while the holy knights were coming with us behind and beside us. The possibility of demons appearing around us at any moment scared everyone, so we were walking fast to reach the fairy king forest as soon as no one spoke.

-The sky looks beautiful, doesn't it?

I giggled lightly and said without taking my eyes off the sky.

-Yes, so beautiful...

I slowly turned my head towards him when I heard the his husky voice. I can't see him as usual, everything was so blurry and white. But I noticed that he was watching me while he was telling me this, and when I realized that he was talking about me, I felt my face start to burn.

-U-umm I meant the sky.

I told him silently, extremely embarrassed, and started playing with my hair with one hand.

-I meant my own sky, my everything.

He looked me in the eyes as he said that. Although I saw it blurry, it was not difficult to understand. My shyness and the redness of my face continued to increase immensely.

-Aw stop!

I told him shyly and covered my face with my hands. After he had a sweet laugh, I felt his hand on my waist. It made me tingle and feel something I had never felt before. I felt warmth all over my body and face.

"Watch out!" Diane screamed at me, and then I crashed into the hard floor. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Diane in front of me. I realized that I was seeing that dream again and I was back to reality. At the moment without even letting me say anything, Diane grabbed my hand and quickly lifted me up. At that time, I felt a wetness on my face and when I brought my hand to my face, blood came to my hand, my nose was bleeding again.

Then when I looked around briefly, I was shocked. I saw several demons fighting with the holy knights. I saw them for the first time. They had dark black eyes and likewise a huge mark on their purchases, they looked pretty scary. "Common, run!" Diane shouted and grabbed me by the hand and we started running.

At that time, our close friend Ban, who was also from the strongest human clan, caught up with us. "The new demon king found out about our plan and he's coming here, we need to get out of here right away!" Ban shouted in utter fright as we continued to run at full speed.

The new demon king is after them, so what now?😳

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please don't forget to give stars and comments, love you all.❤️

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