Longing Kiss

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas began to slowly open his eyes. But I didn't notice it. I wiped my tears with the back of my free hand.

At that moment, suddenly Meliodas got up from my lap. I immediately turned my gaze to him with concern. When I looked into his black devil eyes, I saw him as confused as I had never seen him before. His eyes were wide open and he was looking at me in surprise.

I supposed to leave him and put him back in the cube before he woke up, but he woke up earlier than we thought. I just sat there not knowing what to do. Even if he attacked me, I couldn't resist him. I could never hurt him while I loved him so much.

Then Meliodas approached me and now he was sitting front of me. Inevitably, my heartbeat was very fast, but unfortunately this time it was from fear. "Meliodas don't hurt her or you'll regret it in the future!" At the moment Merlin shouted loudly and worriedly. Meliodas turned his head to the side when he heard Merlin telling him. Now he looked even more confused.

Then he turned hisbhead back to me and looked into my orange goddess eyes. It was as if he wanted to read my mind. Although his face still looked stern, it was softer than usual.

"You... why are you showing me affection?" He asked me quite calmly and confused. The fact that he was so calm made me nervous for no reason. "I-I just-" I mumbled something at him, but found nothing to say. At the moment he carelessly wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his arm, then turned his gaze back to me.

At that moment, I watched his every move carefully. He was sitting in front of me with his rebellious blonde hair, expressive black demon eyes, and muscular body, and he looked so hot. I tried to get all these thoughts out of my head.

I had to get away from this situation. But instead I did the dumbest thing I could do. I suddenly put my hand on his cheek and then bent down and kissed him on the lips.

I was defeated by my longing and love for him. I would probably regret doing this, but whatever it was, it felt so good to feel his lips again after all these years. So I realized that I missed him even more than I thought.

But I had to back off. Because he wasn't going to reciprocate I was sure of that so I'm about to withdraw myself. Our lips were slightly separated from each other. But at that time, Meliodas prevented it. He brought our lips completely together again and began to deepen our kiss even more. I was shocked at that moment. Why did he keep kissing me?

Our kiss was as passionate as it deepened. We were like lovers waiting to meet for years. Actually we were. We just weren't aware of it. Then I shuddered when I felt Meliodas's hand on my waist. Feeling his warm touch again after our blurred memories awakened something in me.

After a long time, I felt like I was out of breath. Meliodas must have felt the same way, because our lips slowly parted. My lips were burning in the meadow as if they had fallen into the fire. Although I did not look, I was sure that Merlin was watching us in shock. Cause I could feel her eyes on us.

It was burning on my face, just like my lips. I didn't want to stay here any longer, it was all too much for me. So suddenly I stood up I felt Meliodas looking at me, but I didn't look at him. Because I didn't have the courage to meet his eyes. So I just left the room.

The only thing I could think of was why he kissed me too. He still didn't remember me, and besides, he was always looking for an opportunity to kill me. He also hated me. Cause he made me feel this at every opportunity with his sarcastic speech and terrible eyes. So what suddenly changed?

As I was walking in the hallway, I met Diane. "Diane, I did something very stupid." I said it straight away and Diane looked at me worriedly. "What did you do?" After she asking me curiously, I took a deep breath and explained what had happened. My face started to turn red as I told her.

While I thought that she would be angry with me after I finished it, on the contrary, she looked more excited. I looked at her confused. And I wanted her to explain. Diane understood this. "Maybe he doesn't remember you, but he feels it." Then she told me with a wide smile on her face.

Do you think Meliodas will remember Elizabeth?🤔

I hope you like the episode.😊 Thank you for reading.❤️ Please don't forget to give stars.⭐

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