Beacon Of Hope

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Guys they came!" Just then Diane screamed and ran towards us. "Diane, be quiet." Meanwhile, Elaine said and the others approached us.

My heart was pounding like crazy. I can't even imagine how worried my father and my sisters were for me. I had suddenly disappeared. And now I've come to tell you that I'm in love with the man who is their enemy.

"I'm glad all is well, captain." Ban said to Meliodas with a laugh. "Thanks man." Meliodas smiled. I hugged Diane and Elaine and we were all happy to be able to get back together.

"Oh my god Ellie it really is you!" That's when I heard Veronica's happy dew and she ran straight towards me and jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I immediately hugged her tightly. I couldn't hold back my tears. "I missed you so much, my father and Margaret..." I said softly to her.

"You idiot we wondered how you were, where have you been all this time?" Veronica pulled back and asked me angrily and suddenly she noticed Meliodas who was standing behind the others. "You... you monster what are you doing here!?" Veronica cried out in anger and walked over to him.

I immediately stepped in front of Meliodas and prevented the Veronica from harming him. Actually no one could harm Meliodas because he is very strong but I knew he would do nothing and protect himself not to hurt my sister.

"Ellie, what are you doing, get out of my way." Veronica said confused and angrily. Ban approached her and held her. "Calm down." Ban said softly to her.

"Stay calm? You're all crazy!" Veronica shouted. "Veronica, please listen." Diane tried to calm my sister too. Veronica tried to get rid of the Ban holding her, but she could'nt. "Veronica 'll explain everything I swear, but let us in first, please." I told her softly.

"No, this demon can't get in!" Veronica said sharply. "Then bring my father and Margaret here, please." I almost begged her. "Do it for me."

Although she was furious as hell, Veronica told my father and Margaret to come to our side sovereigns. The holy Soviets who saw Meliodas looked at us in shock and fear. They just nooded and walked away. So everyone would learn. I was sure of that.

When my father and Margaret came to us, I could not hold back my tears. I really missed them a lot. But I didn't dare to hug them because I wasn't sure how they would react. Maybe they hated me now. The holy sovereigns who went to summon them had surely told them about Meliodas. It was evident from their facial expressions.

Both had surprise on their faces, but mostly disappointment. This destroyed me. "Daddy fire him, what are you waiting for?" Margaret said aloud to my father. the person she was talking about was Meliodas. "If Meliodas goes, I go too." I replied to Margaret.

But that only made her angry. "What did you do to my sister!" She shouted at him again. Veronica started to shout too and say something in the same way. But no matter how bad they said, Meliodas chose to remain silent against them.

"Enough!" At that moment my father shouted. My sisters looked at him in surprise. "If Elizabeth is doing such a thing, she must have a valid reason." The he said confidently.

These words of my father made me very happy. He trusted me. This was very precious to me. I was filled with hope again.

"Come in, all of you." He mplied that Meliodas should also enter. Although my sisters did not liked it, they did not say anything against my father, but they did not neglect to cast their murderous glances at Meliodas.

When we entered, I sat next to Meliodas and held his hand. He turned his gaze on me. And smiled sweetly at me. My face turned slightly red.

 My face turned slightly red

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"Thank you." Meliodas said softly to my father. My father didn't say anything to him, but he was watching his every move very carefully. Likewise my sisters. Thats why, we were all sitting nervously in our seat.

I then cleared my throat lightly and after I had their attention on me, I began to explain everything to them from the very beginning. My father and my sisters were confused and at the same time very upset with us.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find whoever did this." It made me feel even more secure knowing my father had said that and had my back. "Well we don't know what to say, sorry." My sisters said in embarrassment. It was obvious that they regretted everything, and they also cried while listening to our story.

"It doesn't matter, it was perfectly normal for you to act like that." Meliodas said, he was sympathetic. That's why, my sisters looking somewhat relieved.

"Stay with us tonight and they'll show you your rooms." My father said warmly. We were all happy to hear this because we were dying of exhaustion. Especially I was feeling very tired spiritually. Today was a difficult day for all of us.

Meliodas moved closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Will you take me to your room?" He asked me slyly. I cant help but my face suddenly turned red. Meliodas for sure noticed this and laughed. I tapped him to stop.

But Meliodas didn't care. Without even caring about my father's presence, he pulled me straight to himself and grabbed my waist and started to take me to the room. "M-Meliodas!!" I cried lightly. Others laughed at us, even my sisters too.

They seemed already accustomed to my relationship with Meliodas. On the one hand, although I was happy about this, my face was red like a tomato and I was ashamed like crazy.

At that time, I noticed my father still not getting up from where he was sitting. He didn't seem to hear all these voices at all. It was as if he wasn't here and he had an expression on his face that I had never seen before.

What do you think Bartha is thinking?🤔

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