Remember Me

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I turned my gaze to him in a startled way and met his eyes with his black demon eyes. "Ellie, the goddesses want to-" Just then, Elaine opened the door quickly and when she saw Meliodas, she suddenly stopped and shifted her gaze between the two of us worriedly.

"See you." She then finished her sentence as she continued to stand in front of the door. I noticed that she was worried and at the same time sad. Even though she didn't want to, it was very clear that she was afraid of Meliodas. That's why she didn't even fully enter the room.

"O-okay, now I'm going to them." After answering Elaine softly, I slowly got up from the floor where I was sitting. "Go don't make your dear clan wait." At that time, Meliodas said to me sarcastically and angrily. I paused for a moment when I heard his voice. But then instead of answering him, I walked out of the room.

Just then, I met Ban in front of the door. There was no trace of his usual playful joking demeanor. "He's my best friend, I need to see him Elizabeth." That's when he told me nervously. "Sure." I answered him softly and I smiled bitterly. Then while Ban was going to Meliodas, I went downstairs.

When I went down, I was faced with the goddess army. I approached them nervously because I knew I would have to lie. "Elizabeth-sama, we were curious about you, you were fighting the last demon king." When I came to them, Sariel told me and on the other hand they all bowed to me. I gave them a mess with a smile. In fact, I forced myself to smile."We were worried that he might hurt you." Then Tarmiel told me and stepped forward.

Does he hurt me? If it had happened before, I would never have considered it possible. Even Meliodas would take the lives of many people for damage to a single strand of my hair. But now it was he who was dying to kill me, so I imprisoned him in an enchanted cube. This was one of the hardest things for me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine as you can see." I politely answered them. They all looked relieved. "So did you kill the demon king, Elizabeth-sama?" At that time, one of the goddesses asked me with curiosity and pride. I didn't know what to say to them at that moment and I told the first lie that came to my mind. "W-while fighting him, I-I injured him and so... he flew away so he didn't die." I quickly explained to them and averted my eyes.

"That's very strange, a very cowardly move for a demon king, especially for Meliodas." Sariel then stared at me suspiciously. I panicked a little so I tried to divert the conversation immediately. "The demons might try to attack us again, this will take time. Because they were hurt a lot. So stay with us at Liones and rest." I explained to them in an authoritarian way.

They all nodded gratefully and thanked me. "I'm going to visit King Bartha It's been a long time since we saw each other." At that moment, Sariel said to me with a smile. "Oh yes he would be very pleased." After I said to him with a smile too, I left Sariel and went up the stairs to go back to my room.

When I finally reached my room, I met Ban, Elaine, Diane and King before entering the room. They looked pretty sad and bored. "Did something happen while I was gone?" I asked them anxiously. They all looked at each other for a while. "We can't bear to see him like that. There's no trace of him. He's officially a monster. We tried to tell him everything but he just insulted us and shouted." Ban said sadly and rubbed his head with one hand. Then they left us hand in hand with Elaine.

"Now Merlin is waiting for you with him." King said to me calmly. At that time, Diane realized how upset I was. "Don't worry, everything will be the same as before. We just have to be patient, okay?" She told me softly. After answering her question with a yes, I smiled bitterly. Then King and Diane followed them to catch up.

I sighed nervously and shyly entered the room. And I looked directly at Meliodas inside the cube. His head was resting on the cube and he looked like he was asleep. Also he was also quite vulnerable. This was an opportunity for me. I wanted so much to touch him, to hug him. Because I missed him so much. But I couldn't do all this while he was awake.

I looked at Merlin, who was in the room at the time. Only she could get me inside the cube. So I approached her slowly but as quickly as I could. "Merlin, just take me in the cube for a minute, please." I only said one minute because I was sure she wouldn't let me and I looked at her with my pleading eyes. "But Elizabeth-" I cut her off as she was about to protest. "Please Merlin just a minute." I said pleadingly to her and repeated.

"Well, but if he tries to hurt you, I'll stop him." She said to me warningly. I accepted her offer. Because I needed to be close to him and I would be near him, even for a short time. Then Merlin said something and snapped her finger. So the cube disappeared. Wasting no time, quickly I approached him, I almost ran. My heart was pounding like crazy.

His head had fallen to the floor as the cube had disappeared. Now, when I came to him, I bent down and sat on the ground, and gently placed his head on my lap. At that time, as I studied his perfectly contoured face, I noticed that hia nose was bleeding.

I knew very well what that meant. He was seeing one of our memories with me right now. And at that moment I wondered if he was seeing as blurred as I did at first? I hoped he could see clearly. Because I wanted him to remember me , and the sooner it was, the better for me and for him.

Then I put my hands on his unruly blonde hair and begin to stroke it gently. "Remember me, Meliodas..." I whispered to him softly as a tear fell from my eyes.

We have come to the end of another chapter.😊 I hope you enjoyed it.🥰 Don't forget to give stars.⭐ Thank you for reading.❤️ See you in the next chapter.🙌

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