Enchanted Demon King

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas quickly took my hand and left the room without looking back. But unlike him, I turned around and I saw Zeldris squatting on the ground in sadness, crying like a little child who lost his mother. Although Zeldris had done me a lot of harm, seeing him like that made my heart ache.

"Sir Meliodas, is what I heard true?" Who saw us in the hallway at that time Chandler asked to him. He noticed me and looked back at Meliodas in surprise. Then he turned towards me again and gave me a condescending look. "You seduced our king, you little bitch!?" He asked me with anger.

"You can't talk to Elizabeth like that. I won't warn you again Chandler." Meliodas looked at him with anger. "B-But Meliodas-sama." Meliodas silenced him with a gesture before he could speak.

"Go and tell everybody, Elizabeth will soon be my wife." At that moment I looked at Meliodas in surprise. Because we've never talked about it before. In fact, we used to not dare to even dream of it.

"From now on she is your queen. I consider any disrespect done to her to be done to myself." Meliodasi said sharply. Chandler looked shocked at Meliodas. It was obvious that he wanted to protest, but he was very afraid, which was very obvious. He was trembling in front of Meliodas. "Y-Yes, sir." He stammered and left quickly.

"Is this really going to happen?" Meliodas smiled. "Of course, you will be my wife." He understood what I meant and replied directly. I couldn't help smiling. "It's my pleasure, my king." I told him sweetly.

Meliodas' smile widened. "The pleasure is mine, my queen." He brought my hand close to his lips and kissed it gently. I chuckled. "Then it's mine turn to announce to the other castle." I said excitingly. Meliodas paused for the moment, and I could tell by the gleam in his eyes how happy he was.

Later, as I was walking with Meliodas to leave the castle, I heard several demon girls speak.

"This is really bullshit they were just fighting to the death a few days ago." a demon girl said angrily. "How did they fall madly in love like that?" The other one joined her. "I think this goddess girl really cast a spell on Meliodas-sama."

When Meliodas heard this, he stood by them and stared at the demons with a terrible look. One of the demon girls swallowed with fear.

This situation caught the attention of other demons around and they started to watch from afar. "If that's the case, I'm quite happy to be enchanted." Meliodas told them firmly.

My heart melted at what he said. He was defending me and our love against everyone no matter what. But I understood others because, not everyone knew we were in love for a long time. So it was more difficult for us to explain the situation.

Later, when Meliodas looked at the demons around, everyone was suddenly frightened and dispersed.

It was getting dark when we left the demon kingdom. We were on our way to Liones. I last saw my father and my sisters before my memory came to my place. Because after remembering everything, I was afraid to face them. But now the time had come.

Thank you for reading.❤️ Please don't forget to give stars.⭐

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