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-Elizabeth's POV-

I looked at him with hatred. But he looked rather careless. How could one person be so annoying? I really didn't mind.

That's when I realized that he was sending a black flame towards me. Without wasting any time, I sent him my white flame. Then our black and white flames began to collide. I leaned forward so that my white flame could reach him more quickly, and began to push forward with both hands. So my flame got stronger and was about to destroy the black flame. But suddenly the white flame started to shrink and come towards me.

I got nervous and quickly looked at him. İn the same way he began to push his own flame. It was very difficult for me to resist his muscular strength. But I still wouldn't give up. While I kept pushing hard towards him, he was pushing very comfortably against me. It was as if he was deliberately bothering me more.

"If you beg me to stop, I will." He then said to me with a triumphant smile on his face. I was getting more and more annoying. "No never!" I shouted at him and kept pushing. "Okay then." He immediately pushed me towards me after he answered me. And as a result both the black flame and the white flame hit me and I fell down fast and crashed to the ground.

I writhed on the ground and groaned in pain. My whole body has never been so injured before. "Are you giving up?" He asked me sarcastically and then he landed on the ground with his black wings and approached me. "I'm disappointed queen." Finally he stood next to me and continued. "I didn't think you could be this vulnerable." He pursed his lips and mockingly pretended to be sorry.

"Shut up!" I shouted into his face. And then I got up from the ground with difficulty even though I was hurting all over and stood in front of him. "How impatient are you for me to kill you?" He got closer to me and we were nose to nose now. I frowned. At this moment it felt as if we had been this close to him before. This was so weird.

While I was thinking about all this, I hadn't heard the other things he said. "I'm telling you!" I snapped out of my thoughts when he shouted at me angrily and looked at him. And I studied his face. When I looked carefully at the mountain on his face, this familiar feeling in me increased even more.

But I got rid of this feeling right away or he would have killed me. As we spoke, the magic power inside me had accumulated. I took advantage of that and threw all my magic power towards him. He hadn't noticed since we were close to each other so he couldn't resist and my sudden magic power hit him directly.

He suddenly collapsed to the ground and he too groaned in pain. "You bitch-" He cried out in pain, in extreme anger. Now it was me standing over him, and he was lying on the ground. "Don't worry, I'll kill you right away before I cause you too much pain." This time I said sarcastically to him.

Then I squatted down next to him. "I should have killed you without hesitation the first time I saw you." Just as I was about to kill him, I suddenly stopped when I heard his voice. "I don't know why I didn't, Why did I just keep you by my side? How stupid I am." He said in a quiet voice. I looked at him in surprise at that moment.

He didn't he kill me on purpose? But why? He was killing everyone without thinking, so why didn't he want to kill me? It was in vain for me to ask these questions to myself, because he did not know the answer either. And that made the situation even more awkward.

I was sitting crouching at his bedside and as all this was falling I looked thoughtfully into his face. His eyes were closed and he looked as if he was sleeping. It was impossible for him to fall asleep in such a situation. So I frowned and bent suspiciously into his face. But then I saw something else. His nose was bleeding.

How did you guys find the new episode?🙈 I hope you love it.🥰 Don't forget to comment and vote pls.🙌⭐ Thanks for the reading.❤️

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