Person Behind The Truth

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I took Meliodas' hand. Meliodas looked hesitant, but still I knew he wouldn't turn me down. And I was right. Meliodas went with me. I told him about Merlin's room. or rather, the room where she cast a spell.

When we got to the door, Meliodas opened the door very hard. When we entered the room, Merlin seemed to be working on something again, but still she was not startled. This surprised me.

"I knew you would come." She said without taking her eyes off the things she was dealing with. My astonishment increased even more. "Even I didn't expect you to be this despicable." Meliodas began to speak rather harshly. I was worried that he would fall into his darkness. "Did you come here to insult me?" Merlin still maintained her calm demeanor.

"I've come to finish your game." Meliodas said in a deadly voice and approached Merlin's desk. "I did what I should to do." She looked up from her experiments and said with certainty. Meanwhile, Meliodas threw down her test items and was strangely calm as he did so. "Are you trying a new one again because the attempt to clear our memory failed?"

My blood was frozen at that moment. how could this be possible. I was frozen. I couldn't even open my mouth and say anything. Merlin looked at me then. "Elizabeth-" She was about to say something to me when Meliodas cut her off. "Don't mess with her!" said harshly.

"Elizabeth, I only did it to save you." But Merlin had explained to me anyway. There was no logical explanation or explanation for it. Meliodas laughed sarcastically. His sarcastic demeanor reminded me of how he was when he lost his memory. "We both know why you did it." He said implicitly.

I couldn't stand it any longer. "How could you do this to me?" I said to Merlin disappointment. But she didn't seem to regret it at all. "I knew yours would come when Elizabeth's memory came back." Merlin said to Meliodas still remained calm.

"You wouldn't normally be able to replace your memory, but somehow you didn't forget about each other. All those memories you've seen-" Meliodas interrupted Merlin. "I didn't come here to listen to you." He said angrily.

"It's impossible for black and white to be together. A demon and a goddess... it's against this universe." Merlin said coldly. This calm demeanor angered Meliodas even more. "Shut up, you did it just because I didn't reciprocate your feelings, the universe is an excuse!" Meliodas shouted angrily in her face.

I almost fell and fainted at that moment. Merlin did it just because Meliodas was with me? Did she do it because he loves me?

At that moment, everything Merlin did came to my mind. I remembered that I entered the perfect cube where Meliodas was imprisoned and kissed him. The bewildered expression of Merlin at that moment... and the jealousy that lurks beneath it. She had been acting all this time. How could I not see that. I also asked her for help like an idiot and believed her.

There was unbelievable anger and disappointment I felt inside. It was as if they had taken over me.

"Also I know you're not alone in this." My confusion grew as Meliodas spoke. I clung to the wall next to me. I wasn't really feeling well. All this was really heavy.

"Are we talking about your brother?" Merlin asked clamly. Her calm demeanor was really was frustrating. "He's not my brother or anything!" Meliodas shouted, "You're going to tell me where he is, or I swear I'll hurt you this life." I've never seen Meliodas this angry before.

"Brother?!" I'm suprized and repeated this in my mind. Were they talking about Zeldris? At the moment, I felt that someone was holding me. When I turned my head, I realized that this person was Diane and Elaine, Apparently their face, they had heard everything too. King and Ban were with them.

Meanwhile, Meliodas had learned the address from Merlin. He fisted his hand. "Wait for me, Estorossa!"

 "Wait for me, Estorossa!"

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Memory erased person appeared? Did you think it was Merlin?🤔

NOTE: By the way, as we know from the anime, Estorossa and Meliodas are not siblings. But I wanted to treat it like that.

Thank your for reading.❤️ Don't forget to give stars.⭐

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