Against The Universe

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was very surprised when I heard the name of Estorossa. I had not heard or seen his name in a long time. Estorossa was the middle demon prince. Unlike Meliodas and Zeldris' relationship, Meliodas never got along well with him. They even hated each other.

This hatred between them started with the demon king's distinction between his sons. The demon king's favorite had always been Meliodas. He always compared Meliodas to himself and considered his throne worthy of him. Zeldris didn't care it but it was not the same for Estorossa.

When Meliodas and I fell in love, He directly warned me about Estorossa. He told me to stay away from him and then he told me all this.

The hatred between them grew and he tried to inflict serious harm on Meliodas. The demon king caught it one day and exiled Estorossa to another palace of the demon kingdom. Later none of us saw him.

His interests with Merlin clashed and together they had implemented this memory erasure plan. But there was one shortcoming. Merlin was in the spell casting part of this plan. So where was Etorossa? This question mark confused me a lot.

While I was thinking about all this, Meliodas had already come to me and held my hand. "I won't kill you, Merlin, do you know why?" Merlin remained silent at Meliodasin's question. Her expression did not look cool and relaxed this time. it was like she was in pain, as if she had been punched in the stomach. The reason was pretty clear.

"You will watch black and white rule the universe together." Meliodas finished his sentence coldly. The expression on Merlin's face grew even more painful. Normally I would be upset, but after what Merlin did to us, I enjoyed it.

Also I fell in love with Meliodas all over again in the face of the sentence Meliodas said. How could he be so perfect?

Then Meliodas and I left the room hand in hand. The others came after us, but they didn't forget to give Merlin a contemplative glance before leaving the room.

"I can't believe how stupid we are." Ban said angrily and punched the wall. "I feel cheated." Elaine was still in shock. "Bitch!" King said angrily. "No, I have to take my grudge from her!" Diane said angrily. I've never seen her like this before. But King grabbed her by the waist and prevented her from going near her.

"Forget her, she is nothing now." Meliodas said coldly. I was in a position to say nothing. All I wanted to do right now was kiss Meliodas. But I didn't want to do it in public.

But as if Meliodas sensed it, he turned his gaze to me at that moment. "Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly. Meliodas would know when I lied, so I hesitated. "I'm fine, don't be afraid." I told him with a smile.

He leaning more towards my face. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" he asked me with a smile. How could this be? Although I hadn't lied to him, it was as if he understood what I was thinking. "W-What can I ask for?" I said and coughed lightly with my flushed face.

As soon as I said it, I suddenly felt his lips on mine. My eyes widened in surprise. But then I closed my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and savored his taste. Of course, Meliodas didn't hold back and after he glued me to his body, I felt his hands slowly all over my body. I got goosebumps.

"Guys, things are starting to move forward, let's stretch." Ban said to the others in a playful way. "I can't even believe I agree with Ban right now, but I think we should go." King said shly. Elaine and Diane just chuckled. "You have to tell us everything, Ellie!" They yelled at me as they were leaving. "I don't think they're ever hearing you right now." At that moment, Ban said with a laugh and they left us.

After Meliodas abruptly withdrew. I looked at him surprised. "I can't stop if we keep going any longer." He told me passionately. "Who wants you to stop?" I asked him with a chuckle. My aim was just to deal with him as always.

"Elizabeth, don't turn me on, you know I will." He told me implicitly ans warningly. And indeed he would, I knew it. So I immediately lowered the sails, gave up.

Later Meliodas took me straight by the waist and took me with him. We were like conjoined twins. We went out of Liones together. But Meliodas didn't want to tell the others because he didn't want to involve them in this matter any more, he wanted to handle it himself as usual. He always did this.

During the journey, Meliodas carried me directly in his arms so that I would not get tired. I knew that he actually didn't want me to come with him. He was afraid that something would happen to me, but he still did not oppose me.

The address that Merlin gave to Meliodas was not too far away. This scared me shuddered. Estorossa was actually close to us all this time, but we didn't realize it. I was sure Meliodas noticed the same thing.

Finally we got to where Merlin said. Meliodas gently knocked me down and in front of us was a tree house. We did not expect to encounter something like this. We were both surprised. Estorossa must have left the demon's castle where his fathers had driven him.

We had given our full attention to this house and had not noticed a thing. But then I noticed the shadow falling on me, just as I was about to say it to Meliodas, a sharp sword sound came from behind me.

This chapter is a little long, I hope you like it.😊

Thank you for reading.❤️ Don't forget to give star.⭐

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