Bad Memory Of The Past

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas hadn't noticed since we were close to each other so he couldn't resist and my sudden magic power hit him directly.

He suddenly collapsed to the ground and he too groaned in pain. "You bitch-" He cried out in pain, in extreme anger. Now it was me standing over him, and he was lying on the ground. "Don't worry, I'll kill you right away before I cause you too much pain."

Then I squatted down next to him. "I should have killed you without hesitation the first time I saw you."

I jumped out of my bed screaming. Meliodas, who was lying next to me at that moment, immediately hugged me. "Sstt passed, no problem." He told me softly.

I could never erase from my mind the fact that I almost killed him. I always remembered that moment.

"I-I.. almost m-made you-" I could'nt complate my sentence and started to cry. "Elizabeth, it is over now, I'm with you." At that moment he wiped my tears and gently turned my head towards his face. I hugged him by the waist. Meliodas wrapped his hand around my body and kissed me gently on the shoulder.

Then my face turns red when I remember what happened later in the morning with Meliodas.

"Are you better?" He asked me gently. I just nodded my head positively. At that moment Meliodas laughed. "Someone got blushing again." He told me sweetly at that moment. "H-Hey don't mess with me!" I told him with sweet anger.

"Okay okay, is my girlfriend getting on her nerves?" I couldn't help smiling at that moment. He was so sweet that I couldn't even be mad at him.

"Well she couldn't be offended with her boyfriend too." He still continued with the same sweet demeanor. "Of course I can't." I told him with a giggle. "Mhmm Elizabeth I have something to warn you." He said seriously suddenly.

"Uh w-what?" I asked curiously. He really confused me. "I miss you so quickly and I miss you already, do you know what that means?" He pulled me into his lap as soon as he asked me. I cried a little. "You tricked me!" I said to him in mild anger at that moment.

Meliodas laughed. "Let's just say I warned you." He winked. I was madly embarrassed when I felt the heat of Meliodas's body on my bare skin. "I-I really need to go to the bathroom." I said with my red face.

"You won't be able to escape." He said with a smile and he almost glued me to himself. I started to feel him completely in my own body now. Then he started kissing me. I couldn't help myself and I responded to him. Meliodas smiled inside our kiss.

"Hey where are you fugitives!" At that moment we heard Ban's voice. And ithers were calling our names too. Apparently they were calling us.

"Damn was it really time?" At that moment, Meliodas said angrily. I chuckled at him. I ran my hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter, I'm always yours." I told him and smiled. Meliodas was taken aback. I then got up from his lap after placing a small kiss on his lips. "Come on, hurry up so they don't see us like this."

I pulled off the long cloak that Meliodas had draped over us as a blanket. I stood up and dressed quickly. Meliodas got up and got dressed too.

"I found them, come here!" At that time, he came to the place where we were staying, then others come too. Ban whistled. "You fugitives mean you hid here." At that time he said with a smile.

Meliodas picked up a small bowl from the ground and threw it at Ban. "Shut up Ban!"

Ban laughed again and threw his hands up like a criminal. "Okay captain calm down." Elaine nudged Ban. "If you want, let's not interfere, Ban?" She said implicitly.

King and Diane were trying to understand what had happened, looking from Ban side to the other at Elaine.

At that moment, Meliodas wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. "It doesn't end here." At that moment he leaned towards my ear and said slyly. I just chuckled at him.

I wanted to make this part sweet, I hope you like it.😊 Don't forget to give stars. thank you for reading.❤️

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