New Queen

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-Elizabeth's POV-

When we walked in, a lot of orange eyes turned to us and were staring at us in surprise. Likewise, we looked at them in amazement.

They all looked like angels with their magnificent white feathered wings and orange eyes. And I was one of them. It was not difficult to guess what they were. They were goddness.

How could this be possible? It is said that the goddesses were already destroyed by the demons and not a single one survived until I found out that I was a goddess. But when I thought I was the only surviving goddess, now I was faced with dozens of goddesses.

"Shit this can't be real." It was then that Ban broke the silence. The goddesses just smiled at this. At that time, Diane hesitantly approached them and after looking at them more closely, she gently touched their wings and then turned back to us. "Oh my god they really are!" She shouted excitedly.

"Diane are you sure about this or if it's someone impersonating them?" King said hurriedly. "Don't be silly!" At that moment, Diane turned to him and chuckled. King's face then turned red and averted his eyes. And I am still too shocked to react.

"Let me explain it to you if you want." He coughed lightly, drawing our attention to him, and then smiling at us. He was such a cute little boy with short blue hair and thin skinny short. His face was so familiar to me.

"We would be very happy, please tell us" Elaine replied politely and she smiled too. At that moment, the boy noticed me and his eyes were wide and opened. "Elizabeth you're alive!" He cried out loudly with joy and ran to hug me. Then the others heard it too and they all looked at me. Then they were very happy and they came to hug me too.

I smiled broadly and hugged them too. Apparently, when I was their princess, I got on very well with all of them. This made me very happy and I was very happy that my own clan was not completely destroyed. The demon clan's power was not enough to destroy us all. And just like then, it wouldn't be enough again. Because this time they would be gone.

I knew that blue-haired boy after we broke up. He was Sariel and one of my closest friends. There was also Tarmiel among them. I couldn't help my tears when I saw them. "C-can you tell me what happened that day, I want to know everything..." I told them with difficulty and at the same time wiped my tear with one hand.

Then Sariel sighed deeply. "A few years ago the demons came to our castle and suddenly they ambushed us and we couldn't resist them because everything happened so suddenly. Most of us died but still some of us managed to survive and we all built this place and hid here until we had the strength to multiply. We didn't show it to the fairies or humans because we thought the demons would find out and we didn't want to risk it. So we stole our need for food from you." He said the last sentence silently and continued. "We're sorry about that but we had to." He said and looked at us all.

That's when I saw the boy I had caught stealing bread earlier. "It's okay, if you had told us, we would have helped you." I said them with a smile on my face. "And if we had known you were alive, we would have reached you sooner." Sariel told me with a smile on his face.

It was an invaluable happiness for me to have them alive. My mother had died, but I was feeling very lucky that I had not lost all my loved ones. It was also a great miracle.

"Come with us to Liones, please." I happily told them and clapped my two hands together in excitement. "Of course, Elizabeth-sama, we'll do whatever you say from now on." Then Tarmiel proudly said to me. The other goddesses also approved of him and looked at me with hope.

"Uhh you don't have to." I folded my hands behind my back to them and politely said, "The supreme deity is dead, so the throne has passed to you, now you are our queen." From there, Sariel explained to me. Ban, Diane, Elaine, and King all looked at me as confused as I was.

All of a sudden my life had changed too fast for me to follow. While I had just accepted that I was a goddess and that I was a princess, now I took the throne instead of my mother. All this was very difficult for me to get used to. But I had to accept it. Only I could save all the clans and all of us from the demon king, so I had to do my part. As the goddess queen, I was going to fight the demon king.

Do you think the new queen will be able to fight against the demon king?👀

Hello to everyone! How do you think the story is going?🙈 I hope you are curious and enjoy reading it.🥰 Thank you for reading.❤️ Please give stars.⭐

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