Fairy King Forest

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Was the demon king after us? I repeated this many times inside, and each time I did not want to admit it. At the same time, while we were running, I pictured a lot of death patterns in my head and thought about what the new demon king would look like.

I imagined him as a big fat body, with big scary-looking eyes and bad and rotten teeth, just like those pirates or maybe even scarier. Yes he must have looked scarier.

"Here we are." Diane said out of breath at that time. I turned my eyes to the uniquely beautiful forest in front of me. This was the fairy king forest. It was my first time coming here, but I met Fairy King and the fairies here before when they came to visit Liones. They were very warm and friendship.

"Hey welcome!" Elaine, who was the sister of the fairy king at the time, greeted us and smiled happily at us. We got on very well with her so it was good to see her even in the current situation. "I wish we could come with good news." At that time Diane entered the conversation sad and worried. Then Ban intervened and told Elaine everything that had happened.

Elaine's facial expression suddenly changed, and her honey-colored eyes widened with concern. Ban was studying her intently at that time, though hesitating a little, he approached Elaine and hugged her softly. "Don't worry, I'm here for you." Ban said it softly. Elaine looked a little more relaxed, after placing her head on Ban's chest, she wrapped her arms around his body and hugged him.

It was obvious that Ban and Elaine were in love with each other, but they did not confess. That's why I knew Elaine was suffering. Ban was afraid that Elaine was a fairy. Because it was not very common for different clans to fall in love with each other, and the clans' point of view on this was also not very pleasant, although we were friendly. That's why Ban remained silent.

"Where's the King?" Diane asked excitedly. At the same time, the fairy king, Harlequin came towards us with a cheerful expression on his face. "Right in front of you." King approached Diane with a smile on his face. And Diane returned his smile. Then, after King greeted us all, his eyes stayed on Elaine and Ban for a while. When Elaine noticed this, she immediately walked away from Ban slowly.

Later, we told him right away because the new demon king was after us and we had to hurry. "Damn this is so bad." King said seriously and continued his speech. "It will be dark soon, it will be very dangerous to set out at night, especially when the demons are roaming outside, stay here tonight and we'll all go back to Liones tomorrow." He offered us politely.

Although there was a possibility that the demon king might come here, the king was right, we accepted his offer since it would be much more dangerous to set off at night.

"I'll show you your rooms." Elaine told us politely, and the three of us followed her. "This is for you princess." She said smiling to me and showed me a room made of wood. This place had furniture made of various colored flowers, at the same time, every color was dominant in the room. "Thank you, this room is so beautiful." I told her as I continued to stare at the room in admiration. She clasped her hands behind her back and said "I'm glad you liked it!" and chuckled at me.

At that time, strange dreams came to my mind. I wanted to tell Elaine about it and find out what it was. "Now rest, I'll explain the situation to the other fairies. I'll come back to you later and we'll have a little girl talk and Diane joins us." She told me sweetly. "Oh sure I would love to." I told her with a smile. Then Elaine left the room.

I had changed my mind, we were going to talk later anyway, and I decided to tell her about the strange dreams I had at the time. We have been on the road for a long time and all this was already tiring the my body. The softness of the bed behind me attracted me and I fell asleep.

With a very loud sound, I opened my eyes and suddenly jumped out of bed. My heart was beating like crazy. What was this sound like? While my curiosity was exploiting me like crazy, I couldn't help myself and tried to be as quiet as possible and opened the door of my room.

I stuck my head out the door and looked around. Nobody had, but I was afraid so I decided to go to Diane, who is close to my room. I started walking silently down the hall on my tip toes. I was very close to Diane's room. Just when I was feeling relieved for this, someone came up behind me and covered my mouth tightly with hands.

Do you think Elizabeth is in trouble?👀

I hope you liked it guys.😊 I will upload the new episode soon! thank you for reading.❤️ Please not forget the stars.⭐

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