Sleepy Lovers

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-Elizabeth's POV-

While everyone was scattering to their rooms, of course, I took Meliodas to my room.

He paused as entered my room, looked thoughtful. "The last time I was in this room, I was imprisoned in a sphere." At that moment, when Meliodas suddenly said it, I turned away because I did not want to remember all those times.

"And then you kissed me." As soon as he said that, I felt his arms around my waist. I turned my head towards him and looked into his eyes. "I felt amazing at that moment, but also thought I was going crazy." Meliodas said this with a laugh.

"Why?" I asked him curiously. "Because you kissed me as soon as I opened my eyes and then ditched." Meliodas laid his head on my neck. "But I never wanted it to end."

"M-Meliodas, I never thought you thought that." I was very surprised by what I heard. I thought he was always trying to trick me. "I know." He said with a smile. "I saw in your eyes that you didn't believe me when I told you that." And continued his speech. "Even when I said I was in love with you."

"I-I'm sorry." I told him softly. "So I decided to make you believe in myself, but then that girl in my fuzzy dreams started to become clear. So you." After Meliodas told me, he almost buried his head in my neck.

"The thing that surprised me the most was that I fell in love with you even before." He finished his sentence and gently kissed my neck for a while.

"Actually, I always belonged to you." I told him and turned to face him. "We were very close when we were fighting with you, and at that moment I felt as if we were that close before." As I was saying this to Meliodas, the moment replayed in my mind.

At this moment it felt as if we had been this close to him before.

"Elizabeth, I remember every moment of us. I've always watched your every move very carefully." Meliodas said that, and I frowned. "How so?" I asked him in disbelief. "I don't know, my inner voice pushed me to this. Even when I first met you." He put his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him. So I put my hands on his chest.

"We felt it even though we didn't remember it." I kissed him on the lips after telling him. It was a soft kiss. I then withdrew, but Meliodas kissed me again. And of course it was his passion. He explored my entire mouth every time, as if he were kissing me for the first time. And by doing so he would make me skinny. After our lips parted I would walk towards my bed.

"You're going to take me to your bed this time, aren't you?" He then asked me with a sly smile. I threw a pillow at him. "Cut it out!" I told him with sweet anger. Meliodas grabbed the pillow before it hit him. "You will pay for this." He pointed to the pillow and came to me and went straight to bed. He was never wasting time.

"What will I pay?" I asked him cockily, implying that he couldn't do anything. But I was also afraid. Meliodas could be very stubborn. He suddenly climbed on top of me and smiled slyly. "Don't pretend darling, I know you want it too."

"W-What?" I asked him to my red face. Lying on unknowing feet was my usual trick. "Me." After Meliodas gave me a very clear and direct answer, he started kissing me. I left myself to him.

When I opened my eyes with a yawn, I saw Meliodas, who was already awake and watching me. "Good Morning." He told me in a sleepy voice. "Good morning sleepy." I liked teasing him.

"Look who's calling me a sleeper, I've been waiting for you to wake up for hours." Meliodas said with a laugh. "You could have woken me up." I continued my attitude of messing with him. "Mhmm it's so fun to watch you so I didn't wake you up." He told me then he kissed me on the my head. And then I laid my head on his chest.

"Do you have to be so frank?" I told him again with my flushed face. I actually liked this habit of him, I was just trying to deal with him. "Well do you always have to pretend not to understand? And of course Meliodas was messing with me too. I giggled at him.

"I love you."

Well guys! I wanted write this episode cute I hope you like it.😊 Thank you so much for reading.❤️ Please dont forget to give star.⭐

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