Love Born From Ashs

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-Elizabeth's Perspective-

After Meliodas had told us everything, there was a deep silence. Nobody could say anything.

"It's really weird..." Then Elaine muttered. I raised my head and looked at Meliodas, who looked quite upset. I brought my hand to his face. He looked at me when he felt it. "I should have stopped you because of me." I said regretfully.

"No it isn't." Meliodas said softly to me and put his hand on my cheek. I couldn't prevent my face from turning red. Meliodas noticed this and smiled cutely. "Well bro, didn't Zeldris say anything?" Ban asked at that moment to him. "No, he didn't say anything." At that moment, Meliodas's voice came out angry. In fact, we all knew why Zeldris remained silent.

"And so everyone thought I killed my father for the throne." After Meliodas said, I immediately remembered Diane to come to me and my sister what said to us."What we heard is true, Meliodas killed his father and ascended the throne."

At that time, we met eyes with Diane. I understand, she remembered the same thing as me. She shyly took her eyes off me. "I'm sorry, Meliodas, I told Elizabeth that." She said shyly. "It doesn't matter Diane." At that moment, Meliodas said politely to her.

By then, the sky was starting to get light. And everyone decided to sleep, was starting to lie around the fire. At that moment, someone grabbed my hand and lifted me from my seat. I looked up to him and saw that it was Meliodas. He smiled at me. I smiled at him too. Then we lay side by side with him in a corner we found like others.

Meliodas wraps his arms around me and pulls me towards him. And I hugged him and buried my head in him. And I realize I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time. I also fell in love with Meliodas' memory loss, just as he did with me. It was as if all these events had made our love even bigger.

"Meliodas?" I broke away from all these thoughts and silently called out to him. "Mhmm" as Meliodas sleepily replied. I involuntarily giggled. His sleepy state was just like a little child.

"Hey you're not sleepy huh?" That's when I understood what he was trying to say. "What will you do if I say no?" I chuckled at him again. But I never took it seriously, whereas Meliodas was serious.

At that moment, Meliodas got up and lifted me up. "M-Meliodas, what are you doing?" I asked him in surprise at that moment. "You know very well" He said to me at the time, slyly. "Are you serious?" I asked him in surprise. "You were just about to go to sleep."

"I missed you like crazy." He told me suddenly. And I didnt expect so I just stayed for a moment. But than I saw it very clearly when I looked into his eyes. "Me too." I couldn't say more at that moment. My throat was sore. I just wanted to ease my longing for him. I wanted him.

Then, Meliodas came close to me and took me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck. And I didn't think of anything else, I just enjoyed being with him. We moved away from the others and found a place to spend together.

By that time, when the sun was rising, we belonged to each other completely.

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