𝙷𝚊𝚖𝚊! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚛!

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Why do I feel like one of us is about the to go through something horrifying"

The guys and i where sitted around a camp Fire in another Fire nation village. Sokka decided that the best thing to keep us busy is to tell some spooky ghost story so here we sat around the warm Fire, listening to the ridiculous story

"Suddenly they heard something down the hall in the dark..ohhh-ohhh. It came into the torchlight and they knew the blade of Winkfun was hunted Ohh-Ahhh" Sokka wails in a spooky voice which I didn't see as anything cause well it's Sokka, he's funny but terribly funny. Jian snorts as I try to hold in my giggle seeing as everyone else weren't too impressed with the story but i decide to pay more attention to my hair, it's finally white again just...the red streak is slightly more visible, it grew at the back of the hair too

"I think i like the 'Man with a sword as a hand' better" Aang comments

"Water tribe slumber parties must stink" Toph says as I try to hold in my laugh at this whole ordeal

"No wait I've got one! And this is a true Southern Water tribe story" Katara says as Sokka groans before proceeding to sit down

"Is this one of those a friend-of-my-cousin-knew-guy-that-this-happened to stories"

With a straight and serious face she stares at the Fire before sparing her brother a look at her next comment "No, it happened to Mom"

With that said Sokka sits straight and concentrates on her as we all eagerly await to hear this little tale

"One winter when Mom was a little girl, a snow storm buried the whole village for weeks. A month later Mom realized she hadn't seen her friend Nini since the storm so Mom and some others went to check up on Nini's family. When they got there no one was home just a fire flickering in the Fire place, while the men went out to search, Mom stayed in the house, when she was alone she heard a voice

"It's so cold and I can't get warm"

Katara spoke in a spooky little girl voice that sent literal goosebumps around me before going in with the story "Mom turned and saw Nini standing by the Fire, she was blue like she was frozen. Mom ran outside did help but when everyone came back, Nini was gone!"

Momo jumped up and flew across the camp Fire while Jian scooted closer to Aang and Toph while i moved closer to Katara to hear more

"Then what happened?" I eagerly asked while Jian shot a look of surprise and disbelief at me

"Where'd she go?"Sokka asked in a scared timid voice while hiding behind a huge tree root which sprouted out

"No one knows...Nini's house stands empty till this day but sometimes people see smoke coming out from the chimney like little Nini's still trying to get warm"

There was a little suspense after her last statement and I was so going to ask her to take me over to the little girls house when the war's over but Toph suddenly gasps "Wait!, guys did you hear that?"

Aang, Jian and Sokka quickly move towards Katara and i at a full speed and hold is tightly while Toph stand to her feet

"I hear people under the mountain and they're screaming!"

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