𝘕𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘐𝘐

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Why do we have to fight almost every single day"

"The legends say the moon was the first water bender. Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves" Yue explains to Katara, Aang and I as we looked at the moon over the city from a room in the Citadel.

"I've always noticed how my bending is stronger at night" Katara says and might i add, she's been doing very well for herself

"Our strength comes from the Spirit of the Moon, Our life comes from the Spirit of the Ocean. They work together to keep balance" Yue finishes explaining

"The spirits! Maybe I can find them and get their help" Aang says jumping to his feet

"How can you do that?" Yue asks confused.

"The Avatar is the bridge between our world and the Spirit World. Aang can talk to them and Mio might be able to join him" Katara says to Yue

"Actually, it'll be better if Aang talked to them. I am a shapeshifter and we don't really have history with other spirits as much, plus I haven't even learnt anything relating to the spiritual aspect of my abilities so...Aang will have to do all this on his own, i can just try to guide him" I say to them so they know I can't really help

"Miozomi is right, she can't help in the spirit world, but she can help out here" a voice says behind us causing all of us turn and face...

"Princess Okimi! Prince Jian" Katara says in shock as she bows down before gesturing Aang to do the same as he does it abit confused

"It's just Jian" He says with a timid smile

"Wait, Princess Okimi, as in FireLord Ozai's sister and Prince Jian..?" Aang said in disbelief

"Well more like Twin Sister but that's not the point, and yes Jian here is my son, please rise" Aunt Okimi says as they get on their feet's again

"Surprise!?" I say sheepish tone, while my two friends look completely down founded 

"Well this IS really surprising" Katara says looking at me

"I'll explain everthing to you later, Aunt Okimi, Jian, do you both know anywhere we can got to talk to the spirits, a place centered around them" I ask looking unto them for assistance

"No, not really" Jian replies with a shrug

"But Yue might" Aunt Okimi said making me turn to Yue as she nods her head

"Yes, maybe they'll give Aang the wisdom to win the battle!" Yue smiles

"Or maybe they'll unleash a crazy spirit attack on the Fire nation" Aang says excitedly as silence takes over us and Aang puts his arms behind his back and smiles sheepishly

"Or wisdom, wisdom is good too" Aang said as I just shake my head

"Unbelievable" I mutter

"Okay, So where's this place you can take us to Yue" Katara asks her

"Follow me" Yue says as we follow her to a wooden door that's half its height

"So, this is the way to the Spirit world?" Aang says confused

"No, you'll have to get there on your own. But this door will lead you to the most spiritual place in the North Pole" Yue responds


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