𝖠𝗂𝗋𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽'𝗌 𝖩𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝖨

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

This chapter is dedicated to valeria8036

"I thought when I met Aang, I met the cutest boy of all, I was so wrong!"

The gang and I have been traveling from a while so i suggested we rest for a bit before continuing our journey, fortunately for us we ended up sitting with a group of storytellers. Sokka didn't waste time and began eating his heart out as Katara, Aang and i listened attentively to the story, an Airbender story with me sitting in between the both of them.

"So travelers, the next time you hear a strange large bird talking, take a closer look because it might not be a giant parrot, but a flying man! A member of a secret group of airwalkers who laugh at gravity and laugh at those bound to it!" The man finished telling us the tale as the groups of people around us stood to their feet's to applaud him

"Aren't airbender stories the best?" Aang asks Katara and I

"Was it realistic?" I ask

"Is that how it was back then?" Katara adds

"I laugh at gravity all the time!"

He looks down at the ground, laughing at it "Haha, gravity"

The storyteller walked over to us and shook his cap, waiting for us to give him some money. Sokka dug around his pocket before giving the man an apologetic face signifying that we don't have any money this spare

"Ugh, cheap stakes" The man mumbles before walking off but Aang immediately took off running behind the man as the Siblings and I follow slowly from behind, i noticed Sokka talking to the bug that crawled on the bench we previously sat at

"Thanks for the story" Aang cheerfully says

"Tell it to the cap kid" The man stretches out the cap again. Momo cuddled into my face making me giggle as the others look at us. I just shake my head and hand Momo a coin in which he drops into the mans hat

"Aww, much obliged little bat thing and little girl" The man smiles over at me while petting Momo

"No problem sir"

"It means a lot to hear Airbending stories, it must have been a hundred years ago your grandfather saw them" Aang says to the man, referring to a cute old man sitting behind him

"What are you prattling about child? Great-Grandpappy saw the airwalkers last week" He corrects Aang before walking off

I didn't even pay attention to anything around me anymore. Airbender, still alive, wow. I always thought that my great-grandfather was a hero, for whipping the air nation clean only to find out years later that he commited a huge crime, a Genocide. But they also can't be anymore Airbender, the Northern Air temple was the first temple attacked before the others.

I didn't notice Aang dragging Katara and Sokka away "Miozomi! Let's go"

Sokka yells at me so i ran up to them at Appa's side

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