𝖫𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖫𝖺𝗈-𝗀𝖺𝗂𝖨𝖨

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"The most important thing right now is having the family all together again!"

Jet walks beside us as we go through the town, trying to look for any clue to Appa.

"We can take the train out to the wall but then we'll have to walk" Sokka explains.

"Don't worry, on the way back, we'll be flying!" Aang smiles brightly holding my hand.

"We're finally leaving Ba Sing Se" Toph says throwing her arms wide "Worst city ever!"

"Jet!" A voice yells behind us as we look to see Longshot and Smellerbee.

"I thought you said you didn't have your gang anymore?" I ask confused.

"I don't" he says in confusing as well.

Smellerbee throws herself on him hugging him close and sighs in relief.

"We where so worried. How did you get away from the Dai Li" She asks.

"The Dai Li?" Katara yells.

"I don't know what she's talking about"

"He got arrested by the Dai Li a couple of weeks ago. We saw them drag him away" Smellerbee explains.

"Why would I get arrested? I've been living peacefully in the city" Jet asks.

"This doesn't make sense. They're both telling the truth" Toph says baffled.

"That's impossible"

"Mio?" Katara faces me as I nod, Toph's right.

"But it's not. Toph and Mio can't tell whose lying because they both think their tellling the truth. Jet's been brainwashed" Sokka points at Jet.

"What! That's crazy! It can't be" Jet starts looking around as we come closer to him "Stay away from me"

"The Dai Li must have sent Jet to mislead us, and the janitor was a part of their plot too" Katara points out.

"I bet they have Appa here in the city. Maybe he's in the same place they took Jet. Where did they take you" Aang asks.

Jet sits on a stool with his head hanging.

"Nowhere, I- I don't know what you're talking about" Jet says confused.

"Nowhere, I- I don't know what you're talking about" Jet says confused

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