𝖡𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝖡𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗍 𝖱𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗌!

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🔥Miozomi POV🔥

"A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman." – Melinda Gates

"It's a bit pricey, but I really like it"

Sokka has been looking at an emerald green bag for the past 10-20minutes while Katara and I just stood there with him, my legs are already starting to ache

"Then you should get it, you deserve something nice" Katara suggests

"I do don't I? But no. It's too expensive I shouldn't" Sokka debates

"Alright then don't" Katara says getting annoyed

I turn and walk away from them, Aang following immediately and I feel him grab my hand. We still haven't said much to each other since our kiss in the secret cave of lovers. I guess we've both decided to leave it aside

All of a sudden a man comes to Aang and i's side giving us a flier

"Psst, psst, Hey kids, you like earth bending? You like throwing rocks? Then get your little girlfriend over here to allow you check out Master Yu's Earthbending Academy" The man says smiling

"H-Hey I'm not his girl-" I cut myself off when I notice the man had left

I just stand there blushing while Aang looks at me with a hopeful smile before turning his attention to the flier

"Look, there's a coupon at the back. The first lesson is free" Aang exclaims

I notice Katara walking towards us

"Who knows, maybe this Master Yu might be the Earth bending teacher you've been looking for" Katara chimes in

"I don't think so" I mutter walking towards the Academy.


Katara, Sokka and I have been standing outside the Dojo for Aang to finish up his lessons. I turn towards the entrance, finally seeing him walk out and toward us

"He's not the one" He says as he tilts his head to the side, hitting one part of his ear to eject some sand inside it. Suddenly we hear two boys who just left the Dojo having a conversation

"I think the border is gonna win back to belt at Earth Rumble VI" The first boy says

"He's gonna have to fight his way through the best Earth benders in the world to even get a shot at the Champ" The second boy says

Aang cheerfully walks up to the boys

"Excuse me, but where is this earthbending tournament exactly?" Aang asks nicely

"It's on the island of Nonya, none of ya business" The boys laugh and walk away as Sokka begins to laugh

"Ha, Ha, oh I've got to remember that one" He said wiping a tear

Katara and I walk up to Aang and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and hand

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this" Katara says with a wink as we ran towards the boys direction

"Hey strong guys, wait up!" I yell as we cut into a small corner

"Yeah, What do you want, princess" The first one asks me

"Oh you'll see" I say smirking and I feel my eyes begin to glow and Katara goes into a fighting stance.

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