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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Are we ever too young or too old to fall in love"

Happy Birthday boyce_dixon❤️

It was a beautiful sunny day, I could hear the birds chirping, leaves slowly rustling and the cool water waving as I relaxed on a towel close to the small cool lake we were currently reciding at. Katara is teaching Aang some new moves while Sokka relaxes in the water with Momo on him. I was done reading my Aunts scroll and decided to watch Katara and Aang's practice

"You guys are gonna be done soon, right?, we have a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to Omashu today" Sokka asked from his relaxed state

"You guys are gonna be done soon, right?, we have a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to Omashu today" Sokka asked from his relaxed state

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"What? like your ready to go naked guy?" Katara stands straight to look at her brother while I just giggle

"I can be ready in like two minuets. Seriously, whatever" Sokka replies as I dust off invisible dirt from my swimsuit bottom

 Seriously, whatever" Sokka replies as I dust off invisible dirt from my swimsuit bottom

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"So...you where showing me the Octopus form" Aang cuts in

"Right let me see your stance" Katara said as she walks around to see what's wrong

"Katara, his arms are too far apart, if he brings them closer, he'll be able to protect his center" I said from my position

Aang gawks at me while Katara nods her head in approval, sending a sweet  smiles my way before focusing back on Aang's lesson. I slightly feel my cheeks warm up at that but shook my head

"Okay Aang, let's see what you got" Aang raises some water from the river. He pulls up a large blob of water while it spreads into long tentacles. Katara uses bends the water into ice and starts to shoot them one by one at Aang who uses his tentacles to catch them before they hit him. He then wraps the tentacles around Katara's ankle and thugs at it.

"You make a fine octopus Pupil Aang" Katara says smiling at him

"You make a fine octopus Pupil Aang" Katara says smiling at him

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